Example sentences of "[noun] then become " in BNC.

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1 The source of the apparent opposition between these two styles then becomes evident .
2 The main aim of British units then became to prevent these crossing the River Drau .
3 The term then became a nonsense .
4 Kenya 's dilemma then became that of finding how to make foreigners welcome whilst forcing them to bring their own capital .
5 The weight then became 11T — 7C — 0Q .
6 Entry then became based on financial rather than medical or social assessment , and in 1983 upper limits were set on supplementary benefit , resulting in a massive increase in the total national bill for supplementary benefits to people in private sector homes — from £105m in 1983 to £500m by 1986 .
7 This encoding then becomes a signal to the speaker 's articulatory organs , and he vocalises an utterance of the proper phonetic shape .
8 The quality of a cultural practice then becomes a matter of its effect , in the moment of its impact .
9 These companies in practice then became part of a national cartel .
10 This data then becomes the detail in the next level of the hierarchical structure ( see Figure 5.9 ) .
11 The differences between the adult and child data then became insignificant .
12 The Grand Coalition then became crippled and although the CDU emerged first from the elections with a respectable 46 per cent , they were outnumbered by the SPD ( who rose to 43 per cent ) and FDP ( who declined to 6 per cent , their lowest vote ever ) .
13 That window then becomes the active window with its top bar highlighted .
14 But these areas then become the starting point for further subdivision and countless small refinements conditioned by the eye alone .
15 The Stickleback then becomes interested in females .
16 That local plan then becomes the relevant plan for the blight provisions .
17 The child then becomes relatively independent of his mother and enters a sequence of periods in which his identity is established by the role that custom decrees for his age-group .
18 But in time Christian people came to ask after the fundamental values of Christianity ; such that slavery then became an impossibility .
19 But if you admit the existence of this supernatural body , the question then becomes , where on earth can it be found ?
20 . The question then becomes what is meant by the word ‘ woman ’ in the single context of marriage , for I am not concerned to determine the ‘ legal sex ’ of the respondent at large .
21 The question then becomes whether there is a real likelihood that a given conflict situation , though capable of abuse in theory , will be abused in practice ?
22 So the question then becomes for them how this particular human being is God , rather than their thinking in terms of a humanity in which he too participated .
23 The question then becomes one of the Bank 's view of this ‘ pressure for a rise in interest rates ’ .
24 The central question then becomes whether there is technological pressure towards a convergence of organizational structures or whether the imperatives lie elsewhere than in the requirements of production technology .
25 Indeed , it has been argued ( Fairburn , Kay and Sharpe 1986 ) that the authorities , having found an abuse , have then adopted the device of contriving to define the market in such a way that the discovered abuse then becomes an abuse of a dominant position .
26 Measuring the rate of protein synthesis then becomes a matter of measuring the rate at which amino acids are incorporated into proteins .
27 The seller then becomes a trustee for the buyer and must account to him for any dividends he receives and vote in accordance with his instructions ( or appoint him as his proxy ) .
28 The Manager , Mr. Ratcliffe Hulme , resigned and was replaced in July , by A. V. Mason from Devonport , who became Manager and Engineer of the S.M.E.T. C. W. Durnford , the S.M.E.T. Engineer then became Manager at Devonport .
29 If the teeth are allowed to become sharp , the cheek then becomes bruised and cut , causing pain thus making it difficult for the horse to chew properly .
30 Her husband then became extremely emotional and said that if she did not sign , the whole company would go bankrupt and their son John would lose his home as well .
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