Example sentences of "[noun] who does " in BNC.

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1 Trainer David Elsworth said : ‘ He won for me first time last season and perhaps he is a horse who does n't want running too often . ’
2 A shareholder who does neither will have to obtain the leave of the court before seeking to challenge an order sanctioning a scheme ( Re Securities Insurance Company [ 1984 ] 2 Ch 410 ) .
3 A defendant who does not believe in consent could either be one who fleetingly turns his mind to the issue of consent but since he is indifferent to the matter forms no view at all or one whose indifference is such that he entirely fails to think about it in the first place .
4 But Poulantzas argues that the attribution of the power to manipulate to the ruling class elevates it to the status of a subject — an agent who does things — and thereby reintroduces the idea of collective intensions which cry out for individualist explanation .
5 Indeed there is no Mughal who does not know and does not glory in repeating the Persian proverb :
6 Derek Edwards spoke , too , of the presence of Charismatics in Orkney : ‘ It 's known that there is one social worker in this very small department who does belong to a Charismatic Christian Fellowship .
7 For a while , Jem manages to restrict Scout who does n't realise how serious everything is and wants to run to Atticus , but eventually she breaks free and runs as fast as she can to him .
8 Charlie Mears , the bank clerk , however , is more usually a secondrate poet who does not understand the value of his ‘ dreams ’ , scorning to think of them in terms of actual reincarnations , though these dreams are so vivid that reality and unreality seem mixed .
9 For example , the mayor who does n't believe that the damage in the town is caused by a giant .
10 Clearly , the recipient who does nothing does not enter into a contract to buy the goods and therefore is not bound to pay .
11 It is unknown to find any subject of Her Majesty who does not say , when asked , that he cares passionately for the Health Service , and believes that more money should be spent on it .
12 It seems also to have a special magnetism for their children , who look forward to spending all day playing video games until it 's time to try and get served by a barman who does n't notice they are 15 and only four feet ten .
13 But his job as presenter of BBC-1 's Film ‘ 92 — despite the image of the smooth- tongued critic who does n't pull his punches — has brought him some decidedly UN-cool moments off-screen .
14 The virgin is the reserved figure who does not define herself in terms of her relationships with men .
15 His signature in the manuscripts accompanies a depiction of a tonsured figure who does not wear the habit of any religious order .
16 ‘ I must be the only American citizen who does n't drive a car .
17 It should also be noted that breaches tend to have a ‘ ripple effect ’ and that a practitioner who does not fully understand his obligations has only to proffer one piece of investment advice ( which may in itself be perfectly sound ) and he will almost certainly have breached several regulations in the process .
18 The visit could be ‘ frightening ’ to a practitioner who does n't know what to expect .
19 Even for a practitioner who does not claim to own such expertise , it is important to consider the extent to which items seem to call upon the linguistic abilities at which the test is directed .
20 Is he telling me that every young person in Devon who does not have a job has a YT place ?
21 And your no mate of mine … the red panda who does n't want a partner .
22 ‘ On guitar there 's John Levinsall who plays on Mark Cohn 's records , and an amazing guy called Bill Dillon who does the majority of the guitar work on Robbie Robertson 's albums .
23 We all admire the athlete who does n't know the meaning of losing , do n't we ?
24 a what do you call a boy who does n't eat his dinner ?
25 And , since sensible humans know that there are no such things as people four inches high , a nome who does n't want to be seen probably wo n't be seen .
26 An expert who does not ensure that the question of fees and expenses is determined in advance might , if the question were subsequently disputed , have to sue both to establish the fact that he was owed money ( either as a matter of contract or quantum meruit ) and to justify the amount .
27 This Devonian is more than a useful one-day cricketer who does his stuff as a medium-pace seamer. he is rated as a sound technical batsman , sure-footed against the spinner and able to get the short-pitched bowling away .
28 As an 11-handicapper who does not play quite as often as she would like , I found the clubs gave me more consistency and greater ‘ feel ’ .
29 but when I went in the other week , they all sit in a circle like that , then there 's a space and the teacher stands there and she was telling a story about the independent princess who does n't fall in love with the prince in the end , it was a quite funny story
30 P.B. I would be concerned as a Catholic parent if a lady who does not go by her married name and does not wear a wedding ring is appointed .
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