Example sentences of "[noun] who know " in BNC.

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1 Inside her she felt a power she could never manage to express ; it was trapped inside her like water under the ground and she was the only one with the dowser 's twigs who knew where it lay and could bring it to the surface .
2 If Skipper had been an older horse who knew what he should do and was simply messing about , a reprimand might have been in order .
3 Those earlier showmen who had controlled the music-halls and vaudeville thought at first that they could incorporate film into their little empires but they were swept aside by new showmen who knew that there were vast audiences to be captured and that the old theatrical format was far too restricted .
4 It should only be tackled by fit walkers who know what they 're doing with a map and compass .
5 What would you say about yourself , supposing that you write as an objective outsider who knows you well ?
6 Many readers who know nothing else about Piaget 's work will know of his experiments on ‘ conservation ’ .
7 Clearly contemporary readers who knew both books considered them connected .
8 Imagine a scientist in the distant future who knows everything about the mechanism and neurology of vision , but who is blind from birth .
9 Desmond was one of those dominant husbands who knew that on one or two issues he faced adamantine resistance , and understood when to give in .
10 The Astropath listened , wearing a faint rictus of a smile , and thinking who knew what .
11 They are clearly not " mistakes " from the point of view of their speakers , although to a hearer who knows nothing of Creole they may sound very odd .
12 A good deal of real embarrassment can be caused by simply giving an expensive item to a journalist who knew she would not be able to write about a product in any depth but expressed a wish to buy it .
13 A book like that , it 's a great temptation fur a journalist who knows so much he 's scared to go on livin' in his own country . ’
14 This is a question that only you , or an adviser who knows your personal circumstances , can answer .
15 With output in the construction industry falling to its lowest level for six years and the industry predicting a further 50,000 job losses this year , when will the Secretary of State stop his policy paralysis and start listening to people in industry who know what they are talking about ?
16 Old Shmuel ben Issachar was not the only Jewish sage who knew how to walk between the raindrops .
17 And each company had their own labour lawyer who knew how to fix things in their favour .
18 This Gruyère , from the Savoy is like a settler who knew to put himself forward leaving off the East countries for other lands .
19 I remember the pleasant surprise I had when Olivia Manning , sitting next to me on some poetry-reading platform ( the ICA ? ) turned to her husband after my reading and remarked to him — a BBC radio producer — ‘ Now there 's a poet who knows how to read poetry .
20 I think it would be appropriate to very briefly sir preface erm not by name obviously , who I represent , the interests I represent , because otherwise my comments may be misconstrued erm by certain parties who know me well , I represent certain peripheral land owner and developer interests around York , I also represent a developer who is proposing a n new village circa fifteen hundred dwellings in the Leeds metropolitan district er to the East of Wetherby , that is relevant when I come to the location and a migration aspects , er I would preface the rest of my comments by saying I consider it is vitally important , sir , that this enquiry takes a sub-regional view , this is why my colleague from Leeds City Council I 'm sure 's been invited , it 's why the Department of the Environment Regional Office are here , very important indeed .
21 In the preface to his Guide he claims that ‘ all ( his drawings ) were entirely finished while the subject was before him , for he conceives that studies are lessened in value by being retouched in the house ’ ; but a Miss Weeton who knew him well , and was godmother to one of his children , says that ‘ he is employed all summer in taking sketches , and all the winter in finishing them .
22 Well we can we can but as I said , the two lads who know about it , who could do it , they said well it might take us two days .
23 PEOPLE use patents either as a valid legal weapon to block rival manufacture or as a bluff to put off rival manufacturers who know nothing about patent law and do not take legal advice from a patent agent .
24 The day passes in a haze of Russian taxi drivers who know even less about LA than my dead Gorbals grandma .
25 This is evidence that subjects who knew the route well performed no differently in the recognition task from those subjects who knew the route less well .
26 This is evidence that subjects who knew the route well performed no differently in the recognition task from those subjects who knew the route less well .
27 Piloting recognition tests for films gathered in Study 1 made it clear that for subjects who know Cambridge moderately well recognizing a particular Cambridge junction from among distractors is relatively easy , thus to avoid ceiling effects it was decided to use multiple different films of various individual junctions as recognition stimuli .
28 It could be that subjects who know the route well perform differently to those who do not know the route .
29 I had seen them with the eyes of a young buy , but Edward who knew them well was able to interpret them with the mind of a man .
30 Imagine the scene if you please : Gillian on a bar-stool with satin skirt slashed to the hip , Stuart nonchalantly hefting his tie-knot while working out the current bodybuilder health of the yen on his wristwatch computer , a barman who knows without asking that Mr Hughes-Sir desires the 1918 late-landed Sercial in the special glass which concentrates the nose , Stuart sliding onto the next stool and casually emitting the subtle musk of his sexuality , Gillian begging a light , Stuart slipping the tortoise-shell Dunhill from the pocket of his unstructured Armani suit …
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