Example sentences of "[noun] who not " in BNC.

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1 John Knox returned to a tumultuous welcome , having been flatteringly described as a reformer who not merely ‘ lopped the branches of the papistry ’ but struck ‘ at the root , to destroy the whole ’ .
2 Raschid who is here today was President and I attended with my own Table Chairman at that time David who not only encouraged me to attend my first A G M but encouraged me to get involved involved in ri in Round Table right from the very onset .
3 By the 1860s in Britain , people of all sorts were becoming increasingly concerned about the ‘ residuum ’ , the body of paupers being supported by the Poor Law who not only persisted but steadily increased .
4 A distinguishing feature of Company Programmes is the team of client directors who not only have a wide experience in industry but represent the main functions of the business .
5 She guessed he found it intriguing to be able to talk about his consuming interest in the sport with a girl who not only knew what he was talking about , but could actually offer opinions that were interesting .
6 Though , doubtless , man has always been a jackdaw , a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles , the recognition of ephemera as a legitimate and respectable sphere of collecting is a comparatively modern phenomenon , its devotees now having their own Society and special sales organised by reputable auctioneers who not long ago would have looked down their noses at the trivia they are now , in the name of Mammon , glad to catalogue .
7 To Nietzsche he was a thinker who not only valued the right things , notably art , but also embodied them himself : a philosopher with an artist 's power of words .
8 That might be the motto of the Scottish Health Education Group who not only advertise on television but sponsor a radio soap opera , to say nothing of the Scottish football team .
9 The Country was suspicious of an executive headed by a King who not only lacked an hereditary title , but who was also Dutch , employed Dutch favourites ( notably William Bentinck , who became the Earl of Portland ) , and who was a Calvinist .
10 Koirala announced a new Cabinet on May 29 which included one woman ( Sailja Acharya ) and only one person who not been elected as a member of the House of Representatives ( Basu Dev Risal ) .
11 If so , it might be an idea to talk to the people who not only insure aeroplanes , but fly them as well !
12 Now , for the first time , I was surrounded by people who not only had cancer , but unlike those in hospital , knew that they had it .
13 More interesting is the sub-group of people who not only work full-time and full-year but also exclusively for one organisation .
14 Finally , the decomposition of managerial hierarchies allows some managers to specialize in strategic decision-making and for this task to be performed by people who not only possess a relevant comparative advantage but also whose corporate loyalties are not compromised by undue devotion to narrow functional goals .
15 Hazel is one of those unfortunate patients who not only have food intolerance , but also seem to be sensitive to various everyday chemicals as well .
16 Across the road in Parliament in the late sixties , as Wilson , Castle and Crossman wore themselves out in the cause , as they saw it , of a more modern and socially just Britain , there sat in the Leader of the Opposition 's office a man who not only shared the Jenkins view of workload but was planning exactly what he would do about it if the electorate gave him his chance .
17 He was popularly supposed to be a man who not only told the truth , but who could not tell a lie , and the senator 's aides and publicists were not unhappy to promulgate that echo of a previous President 's virtues .
18 I believe that , in Morrissey 's heart , he knows he has erred , he has become comfortable and his brand of far right sloganeering befits the temperament of a man who not six years ago was wryly spinning the world of pop on his ring finger .
19 One notable later-day Boadicea was Lady Anne Cunningham , a fervent Calvinist who not only succeeded in scaring the English , but also her own son the Marquess of Hamilton when she rode into Berwick with a brace of pistols and daggers at her saddle , at the head of her troop of horse against Charles I. Her attendant women were obliged to become expert markswomen .
20 A subject who not only finds science exciting but also believes it can be applied to help people and produce wealth and employment could hardly be bettered in answer to the white coated caricature with which Ian Fells began .
21 It is the Spirit who not only convinces Paul that ‘ imprisonment and afflictions ’ await him if he goes to Jerusalem , but constrains him to accept that destiny ( Acts 20:22,23 ) .
22 Here one may note that while , eventually , it was France who not only defined Vietnam but also the character of Vietnamese resistance , it can also be argued that in the impact of the first two revolutionary events of the 2Oth century experienced in Vietnam , the inspiration came from Asia itself .
23 Aristos of Salamis in Cyprus , who probably lived in the middle of the third century B.C. , is said by Arrian ( 7.15.5 ) to have been one of the two historians who not only spoke of an embassy of the Romans to Alexander the Great , but made Alexander prophesy the future greatness of Rome , so impressed was he by the envoys .
24 In the by-elections , I rapidly became disillusioned by the men who not only ended up taking credit for the Group 's existence but who also displayed a total lack of understanding about issues affecting Asian women in Britain .
25 When establishing the Editing Commissions responsible for drawing up the Statute of 1861 , the Tsar had recognized the need to appoint men who not only could cope with the intricacies of the legislation involved but who positively favoured Emancipation , who were convinced in their hearts as well as their heads of its desirability .
26 Christabel Pankhurst reasoned that the state was composed of men who not only denied women the vote but also tacitly condoned male immorality and sexual violence .
27 However , even if the L.G.U. was left wondering if it should n't have kept the public better informed , it must have been greatly heartened by the number of spectators who not only came to this out-of-the-way championship but made it abundantly clear that they were greatly taken with the high standard of play .
28 We seriously need someone like Jack Charlton who not only knows what he s doing … he is his own man and does nt cling to pathetic stereotypes — or do what the press think is best .
29 It was manned by zombies who not only clocked in and out of work , but for lunch also .
30 We were all very surprised to see the modern bathrooms , and tasteful surroundings , as well as meeting the mikva attendant who not only spoke English , but was very friendly and helpful as well .
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