Example sentences of "[noun] know [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Edward knew Oxelosund , and guessed that the idea might be to cripple it , to cut down ore shipments to -German industry , although Morton would not confirm his hunch .
2 Corbett knew Maeve would sense any lie and , when angry , his wife could be frightening .
3 Lazio knew Paul was going to EuroDisney .
4 Meredith knew Aunt Lou meant by this thick sweet sherry .
5 He did n't know Dennis , but Dennis knew George !
6 Ceauşescu knew Lenin 's dictum , ‘ trust is good but control is better ’ , and ordered the Securitate to send in new informers and to recruit more from among the existing workforce as well .
7 Johnny knew Fergie was in love with him , and he felt this made him virtually untouchable .
8 Fourth the last two years , no horse knows Aintree better .
9 Varig knows Brazil best , being able to serve you efficiently through 170 branch offices all over the country , with connecting flights to 77 large towns and leading cities in Brazil and South America .
10 Mummy knows Princess Di , do n't you , Mummy ? ’
11 ‘ Do your parents know Thomas is mine ? ’ he queried .
12 She gave him the gentle brush-off : how could this boil-necked boyo know Emlyn Williams ?
13 ‘ If the law knew Connie was missing , they 'd start looking for her .
14 Freemantle knew Leapor 's writing long before they had actually become friends .
15 Gadfly knew George Reynolds when he had nowt , or nowt ( at any rate ) to which he 'd care to admit .
16 Gilbey knew Diana when she was a teenager sharing a flat with two friends .
17 And indeed everyone in Knockglen knew Eve as well .
18 But old boss Beck knows Dublin will come back fighting : ‘ The lad has battled hard to get to the big time and he wo n't forget where he 's come from . ’
19 Pammy Jane knows Charles rather better than she does Princess Diana .
20 On one occasion at Anfield , Dalglish had his cheekbone fractured in a clash with Moran — but at least the Rovers boss knows Moran is granite hard !
21 Little Lina — all the village knows Lina and Pablo — sweethearts since they were eleven ! ’
22 The Right to Know Bill , which I am introducing in the House of Commons , would lift the blanket of official secrecy that so often keeps us in the dark .
23 There were problems about being the carrier of bills , final demands , and offensive advertising material , but as far as Caro knew Bryony overcame her scruples sufficiently to deliver all mail except for a succession of very obvious plain brown envelopes , which were frequently sent to one particular address on her route .
24 Daddy knew Marius .
25 Capron knew Zbigniew Nowak , did n't he ? ’
26 EVERYONE in the artistic world of Montparnasse knew Modi , drank with Modi or had been sketched by him .
27 Rory knew Fergus was aged with Kenneth , but somehow he always seemed older .
28 For — and Heaven knew Gloria was no saint — there were two sides to every story .
29 Pesaro knew Famagusta , and had found others who could describe the walls , and their thickness , and their character .
30 Oyston knew NoS was desperate for money , but Everett thought his decision to invest was quite impulsive .
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