Example sentences of "[noun] say she " in BNC.

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1 But the injury ca n't be mended and vets say she 'll have to be put down .
2 Why should the working-class housewife say she ‘ likes ’ or ‘ does n't mind ’ housework — why should this be the typical response ?
3 Now the authorities say she has little chance of getting them back .
4 Alejandro say she too weak , ’ said Umberto , leaving unspoken the truth that Alejandro would be too mean to fork out the equivalent of $5,000 for a green and vicious mare .
5 But friends of Countess Spencer say she has told them she is spending the festive season at Mougins in France with her great friend Jacqueline de Ribes .
6 Moira McVitie says she 's got a pal that went to that Steptoe 's Clinic .
7 Mrs Hill says she 's trying to arrange a meeting with the foreign office , she says the least they could do is apologise .
8 Lord Grubb says she wo n't admit anything .
9 Fairfax says she was killed by the Germans .
10 oh Rebecca , I can think of five million things I 'd rather do Rebecca says she likes ironing I certainly do n't
11 Mollie says she wo n't be fooled the next time a conman comes to call
12 Jean says she 's not quite ready for another move yet … so here 's one for the family album … the Hunts stationary for once .
13 For example on page 198 , Mayella says she 's never kissed a grown man before and that it might as well be a nigger and after kissing him she says ‘ kiss me back , nigger ’ .
14 Fiona Woolley says she 's relieved , but pleased .
15 I want us to marry , but Valerie says she 's not ready .
16 Restaurant PR Elizabeth Crompton-Batt says she makes an effort to ensure that all concierges are kept informed of new openings : ‘ We certainly write to them and sometimes they come along to launch parties . ’
17 • What do I do if an employee says she is expecting a baby ?
18 She 's made just a handful of films in the last 20 years , but the actress says she does n't miss the silver screen — she prefers to dedicate herself to children 's charity work instead
19 The actress says she must sell her home to pay .
20 Helena Lisandrello says she had an affair with the actor after they met at a party in 1979 .
21 Sue says she 's beaten all the players above her in the world rankings and will have to work harder to make up the difference .
22 Detective Sergeant Andy says she wandered across a nearby golf course .
23 Mrs Currie says she does not agree with the ‘ dual mandate ’ — politicians sitting both at Westminster and Strasbourg , and intends resigning her Westminster seat if she makes it to Strasbourg .
24 Mummy says she 's going to run the London salon .
25 grandson is about that age and very sympathetic she is erm I said er Mary Ann says she does n't know what the point is , you do n't really want to do it he said , she 's right , I do n't he said , in a way I do , in another way I do n't , I said
26 Then , ‘ Mrs Parvis says she 'd be obliged to have your ration book as soon as possible if you please . ’
27 Caroline Spears says she was given no option but to have a caesarian section when her daughter Freya was born eighteen months ago .
28 Melanie Simmonite says she started 20 years ago … her husband did it so it was a case of you ca n't beat them join them …
29 Heather Boxer says she makes them do the washing up and she enjoys their company .
30 A witness says she saw them knock on the door . ’
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