Example sentences of "[noun] say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The scouts say it looks at first glance as if thousands are leaving .
2 Those who work with Herefords say they 're a delight to handle .
3 Most of the birds were pairs , and staff at the sanctuary say it 's devastated the centre 's breeding programme .
4 Most of the birds were pairs , and staff at the sanctuary say it 's devastated the centre 's breeding programme .
5 yeah that 's right , I mean the D B T say there 's gon na be extra difficulty because , but I do n't think they realize that people are gon na say I 'm not going that way because
6 The contracts typically say that the decision of the expert is to be final and binding , and that is what the courts say it has to be , in the absence of fraud , partiality or mistake .
7 At the end of 1978 , when he realized the danger that Khomeini was inflicting on the Shah from France , Marenches say he tried to have him expelled from the country .
8 In the west , Severn Trent say their reservoirs are full .
9 Mr Collett 's employers say he was a first class driver .
10 The institutions say they intend to raise the equity weighting in their portfolios from under 10% to perhaps 15% by the mid-1990s .
11 The replies can however be used against you if you in the trial say something which is inconsistent with what you said in the section 2 interview .
12 The Government says it 's been a great success — those living close to its route say its ruined their lives .
13 But outbreaks of Bovine TB have doubled in Gloucestershire and some surrounding counties over the last 3 years and some vets say we must throw aside sentimentality and act now BEFORE the problem reaches epidemic proportions .
14 But the injury ca n't be mended and vets say she 'll have to be put down .
15 The girls who sign up for fashion 's survival course say they could n't imagine life on the other side of the camera .
16 My police contacts say it 's thought she was the victim of a random attack by a thief . ’
17 Why should the working-class housewife say she ‘ likes ’ or ‘ does n't mind ’ housework — why should this be the typical response ?
18 Jamie and Becky Blandford made the announcement this morning , just two years after their wedding.The Marquis 's solicitors say they have entered what is described as a period of separation in their marriage.Their first child is due in August .
19 I was glad to hear Lord Belstead say he would not use internment .
20 The families of five young people who were killed by a reckless driver say they 're outraged over a decision to reduce his prison sentence .
21 We are coming to an end , let me remind you that er of this particular hundred , sixty three of whom have the use of a car , fifty seven have been involved in an accident , fifty seven and I 'm sure it ca n't be a , er it must be a coincidence say their personalities change behind the driving wheel
22 Meanwhile council officers in Swindon say they ca n't cope with any more terrapins .
23 The figure 's three times more than Spurs were offering and Swindon say they 're delighted , although they wo n't get the full amount themselves .
24 Doctors in Swindon say they 've seen three cases of a rare illness normally associated with Third World countries .
25 IBM Corp has a less than impressive record in turning developments in its laboratories into commercial products , but perhaps that will change when an outsider is installed at the helm , and IBM researchers say they have developed a polymer film that can capture and hold vast amounts of data in the form of hologram images at speeds 100 to 1,000 times faster than current Winchester disk drives .
26 The researchers say they can find no evidence of occupational exposure among medical staff or farmers , with the one known case of a farmer whose cattle had BSE developing CJD being regarded as chance , rather than direct transmission .
27 If it is as effective as the researchers say it is I am sure it is going to be a very big hit with cellulite sufferers world-wide .
28 Experts say plenty of would be Dirty Dens are the explanation .
29 Experts say we 're knocking back ONE MILLION pints of beer a day LESS than we were a year ago .
30 The cardboard mostly rotted away , but they 've been in the ground for no more than 20 years and the bomb experts say they 're not military .
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