Example sentences of "[noun] what [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Right , so to find the average speed what you gon na do ?
2 Write some ideas here The cause of all this is a common problem in society today -we tend to judge people on their ‘ professional status ’ , in other words what they do and how much they are paid .
3 How many people do you know who never show on their faces or reveal in their words what they truly feel ?
4 He had put into words what they all knew .
5 But she could not express in words what she saw in her head .
6 Ruth took a deep breath and summoned all her courage to put into words what she had decided after her sleepless night at Mrs Taylor 's .
7 In other words what you would have got
8 ‘ Is it so difficult to put into words what I can read on your face ?
9 er in other words what I 'm saying is that erm a woman does n't have to accept a fertilized er egg once it 's been fertilized .
10 Erm tt whether that 's appropriate , you know , I 'm thinking of it as a first appointment just to get a general picture whereas you might be coming back to stir his memory for referrals by saying er , you know , er you mentioned here you 're a member of the squash club , do you remember I said I 'd be looking for introductions , maybe we 'll learn whether at the beginning of the second appointment you jog the memory there er you know in other words what I 'm do doing is keeping that in my mind , that you are remembering the squash club or whatever club it may be and use that later , although I did n't er elaborate on it at that , that er because I think you can go off at a tangent
11 Yeah but in other words what I 'm saying is that there are diff
12 so , and , and you will see that 's , that er I do n't know whether some are all the same , but erm there are different , yeah , you know , erm in other words what I 'm saying is they 're not on both channels .
13 Ask him to write down in a few words what he thinks his present image is , and what he wants his image to be , and he will most likely fail to do it .
14 This is accompanied by a status LED , to let you know at a glance what you 've selected .
15 You can tell at a glance what it is that ails a cow or a sick calf better than any vet .
16 If the caption does become detached the finder can see at a glance what it is .
17 In free association what you think about your thoughts and what you think about your thoughts .
18 ‘ It falls to me , as it did first with Peter Shilton and then with Terry Butcher , to place on record on behalf of the Football Association what he has done for his country .
19 No been on it , like it 's got all any , all numbers down side what you use for which
20 Well they just er they just forked them they they brought up the side what I said the boss , you see .
21 The nutter is acceptable in that he demonstrates to other fans what they should not do , and provides living proof of their own propriety .
22 one thing 's for sure the appointment of John Gorman is a popular one on the terraces … he 's given the fans what they crave for … and that 's loyalty … from first thing this morning supporters were rolling up at the County Ground to have their say
23 Top priority is to give the fans what they want … a winning team which plays good football .
24 Lord Justice Taylor should have asked fans what they wanted , but did n't bother .
25 Grant that by my prayers and alms , I may give to each continent what it requires : to Africa , a native clergy of black hands lifting your body ; to Asia , a rich harvest from the red blood , seed of her martyrs ; to Oceania , a necklace of islands made into a Rosary for the faith ; to Europe , already so tired , a renewal of youth at the altar of God ; to America , an exchange of the pearl of great price for material riches .
26 It was now dusk but the old librarian had the sconce torches lit and gave Corbett what he had requested , a candle and a battered copy of the ‘ Sic et Non ’ , the brilliant satire on scholastic theology by the Parisian scholar , Abelard , who had lost his family as well as his testicles for ridiculing the theologians and then compounding his sin by falling in love with a woman .
27 Is she aware that when my hon. Friend the Member for Workington ( Mr. Campbell-Savours ) and I visited Moscow last week and questioned Russian officials about food aid , we found stacked away in a third-floor warehouse what we were told was the whole British contribution of beef to Moscow , which had been there for a month ?
28 Yes , they 'd , they 'd get paid twice , oh for letting 'em go and roping 'em in , I mean when a ship was swinging there 's somebody , I mean when a ship was swinging at Cliff Quay , there 's somebody got ta let go of the erm , the spring what they 're swinging on .
29 The Stavka , Russia 's supreme war council , asked Brusilov what he could do to take pressure off the Italians by preventing even more Austrian troops being taken from the Eastern Front to the Trentino .
30 When we were first married and coming across there then he says blimey Taffy what you doing up here ?
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