Example sentences of "[noun] can then " in BNC.

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1 The definitions and expansions of various words can then be compared with this list to check for membership .
2 The separate recordings can then be viewed after the event and decisions about how to edit taken at that point .
3 The role of environment and inherited characteristics can then be separately assessed by studying how often both twins with each type of background suffer from psychiatric disorder .
4 Any suspicious images can then be double-checked by a radiologist before any decision is taken to treat the patient .
5 The bit offset in the byte and the byte offset are returned and the full offset can then be calculated by
6 The spring can then push up the treble end of the check , so that the middle of the check meets the underside of the gap — spacer .
7 The spring can then be pushed or pulled to where you want to bend the pipe and then pulled out afterwards .
8 The psychologists have plenty to say about this , about how the repressed emotion can then be projected on to a partner , or cause a kind of dual way of life to develop , where a woman may be sweet and lovely on the surface but grasping and rapacious beneath .
9 The diver can then be recovered to the surface in a safe and controlled manner .
10 DHAs can then concentrate on ensuring that the health needs of the population for which they are responsible are met ; that there are effective services for the prevention and control of disease and the promotion of health ; that their population has access to a comprehensive range of high quality , value for money services ; and on setting targets for and monitoring the performance of those management units for which they continue to have responsibility .
11 A mean can then be taken of grades and stars .
12 Revenue can then be switched to other items , such as military hardware , or so-called prestige projects .
13 The rational agent can then calculate the expected utility of each action by assigning a ‘ utility ’ ( a quotient of happiness , so to speak ) to each consequence and discounting it for how likely or unlikely it is to be the actual consequence .
14 However in hybrid stepping motor systems the step angles are small ( typically 1.8 degrees , 200 steps per revolution ) and the price of the encoder can then be a significant proportion of the total closed-loop system costs .
15 When this happens the thin walls of the tubes are able to buckle , the helical fibrillae can then straighten themselves out and so the cell is enabled to elongate under the tensile load by something like 20 percent .
16 Social closure can then imply the capacity a class has to defend its interests ( as for the upper class ) or a condition of being ‘ enclosed ’ disadvantageously ( as for the working class ) .
17 For those of us lucky enough to be able to read and play music , it certainly can be , fore the mind can then override textual aberrations of this kind ( providing they are not too excessive ) .
18 Three useful kinds of study can then be distinguished , of ( i ) the social and economic institutions of culture and , as alternative definitions of their ‘ products ’ , of ( ii ) their content and ( iii ) their effects .
19 With the results available , by using the actual difference in observed means , the probability that a change of given size might have been overlooked in the study can then be calculated according to the following formula :
20 The /COPY command can then be used to copy the formula to the remaining rows of its column .
21 Once translated , this command can then be acted upon , and the goals and states of the robot and its environment can be updated accordingly .
22 The annotated drawing can then be kept as a record of the child 's ideas , and it can form a useful part of teacher assessment .
23 It can be hung over the side of a boat and the tape can then be played to the whales . ’
24 This then forces a consideration of whether investment can then improve the SBU 's competitive stance or not .
25 The pictures can then be made as a set right from the beginning , rather than just hanging together three or four pictures that you have already made , in the hope that they will be complementary .
26 This indication can then be compared with a national base of 100 to indicate whether a particular area is better or worse than average for finding buyers or owners of any product which is already specifically measured in existing national market research surveys .
27 Insurers can then fix premiums intelligently , and people can make intelligent decisions about what kind and how much insurance to buy and what risks to run .
28 A fresh attempt can then be made .
29 Another attempt can then be made to re-enter the module again as described above .
30 The piece can then be glued on to the damaged area and made ready to receive the gold leaf .
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