Example sentences of "[noun] she always " in BNC.

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1 and this Molly she always had to be different
2 The photograph she always used as a bookmark fluttered out of it .
3 In reply she always received an acknowledgement but rarely more unless Penini wrote .
4 She had instinctive good taste , especially in her dress , and whatever the setting she always looked right .
5 Such pictures she always found calming to her nerves and she had no need of the large net which was hung at the top of the staircase , to catch those distracted adolescents who attempted suicide in the converted country house where she received her education .
6 The chief inspector shivered with an indefinable dread , the fear she always experienced when faced by a hatred that could only be satiated through violence .
7 ‘ For the first time ever she had the figure she always wanted and wanted to share it with her fans , ’ said a friend .
8 She had thin , brittle , permed hair , and , under the blue and white checked overall she always wore for work , her legs were stringy and knotted with varicose veins .
9 Restaurants she did n't mind , but in pubs she always felt too much at the mercy of predatory men .
10 As a child she always dreamt of working with animals .
11 And he said that he thinks every DSA she always has a day off on her birthday , this man did .
12 She hesitated , torn between the unaccountable shyness she always felt in Louise 's presence and the overwhelming desire to be in on whatever it was they were giggling about , even if she was only a barely tolerated spectator .
13 She managed to conceal the physical revulsion she always felt from close contact with this man .
14 In his mordant presence she always felt vulgar and self-indulgent .
15 She is sorely missed for the loyal support she always gave to Classes and Events and the Kent Team is not quite the same without her … but our loss is the West Country 's gain and we hope to meet up with Janet at the Easter Course in Bath .
16 But of course she always has much more to say . )
17 Although she was Mum 's youngest sister she always addressed her letters to Dad .
18 It has been especially adapted by her father to take the strain of the amount of money she always collects .
19 She did n't answer : Nick saw in her face the struggle she always had with herself before she went in the water .
20 The only thing I did not like about her was the flat ballerina-style slippers she always wore , to reduce her height I think , because she was taller than you .
21 Finally she made her choice and gave the reasons for it with the confidence she always brought to her work .
22 She had hugged herself tightly then against the nausea she always felt when Rob was flying and begun her desperate bargaining with God .
23 This was a ploy she always resorted to when she wanted to avoid doing something .
24 On Pack Meeting night she always changed early into her uniform , and now she was skipping gaily on the grassy path outside the cottage , practising fancy new steps for the Keep Fit Challenge .
25 Her features were similar yet somehow blunted , her body stockier — not fat yet somehow altogether larger so that beside Paula she always felt clumsy in spite of being a full four inches shorter and almost two years the younger .
26 His mother 's legs , dangling over his head had pinker stockings , and thank God she always kept her knees together .
27 So here Belinda was , with that naked feeling she always got when she looked at her wet hair and towel-draped neck under the bright lights of a salon , and she very much hoped that Faye was right about the end result looking ‘ fabulous ’ , because she was determined to show everyone at drinks this evening that she was just as soignée , just as at ease in a smart social gathering as they were .
28 You know the pendant she always wears round her neck , shaped like a heart ?
29 On Friday morning she always went to take some food to Kitty Dawson .
30 and er they 're coming down here for the morning she always does it
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