Example sentences of "[noun] have another " in BNC.

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1 But Bob Brooks has another suggestion for parents .
2 In Barteria nigritana ( Passifloraceae ) in Africa , one coastal subspecies is inhabited by one species of ant ; however , the more widespread other subspecies has another ant species , but again not all specimens are infected .
3 FAXgrabber has another use which will be welcomed by all who use their PCs as fax machines — it should save an enormous amount of hard disk space .
4 When he cooks at home on a daily basis , his new kitchen has another purpose too .
5 But Ian has another idea .
6 But differentiation has another meaning as well and this gives me hope .
7 Besides acting as an enormous magnet , the Earth 's magnetic field has another useful property .
8 Such ruthlessness has another face which is passionately explored in Peter Lee-Wright 's Child Slaves .
9 Old Shallot has another rule : never resist temptation twice .
10 David has another secret to share .
11 ( This very Roman-looking institution has another Dorian parallel , the man sent by Sparta every year to govern the offshore island of Kythera .
12 Holyoak has another trump card up his sleeve .
13 Joe Dwek said the enlarged metal technology side had another record year , with profits 12 p.c. higher on sales up 18 p.c .
14 They wrote one another at first but then my ex-wife had another child , you know how it is …
15 Even so , Hill had another highly impressive game , passing crisply , nosing out openings , supporting assiduously and doing much useful work in defence .
16 Ian White of Farnham Triathlon Club had another successful outing in the Banana Leisure Burghfield 10½-mile road run .
17 The club had another double champion in Catriona Slater , who won the inter-ladies 100m in 12.7 and the long jump with a leap of 5.45 .
18 The Cuthberts had another friend , Mrs Rachel Lynde .
19 David O'Leary had another reason for the lack of flair : ‘ Once it went to extra time everyone was afraid to make a mistake .
20 THE pound had another tense day , struggling to hold its own on the exchanges as investors waited nervously for weekend opinion polls before deciding their next move .
21 However , the pound had another troubled day , falling to a record low before recovering slightly .
22 But nursing homes had another good year , with profits up from Pounds 3.2m to £4.1m .
23 Ken had another function while in Brighton .
24 Johnny had another couple of seasons as a player , but he retired after a nasty fractured cheekbone and broken jaw early in 1962–63 , only to turn to the commercial side of the game and build a new and successful career there .
25 ‘ Prentice — had a look at this — ’ ( then the word ‘ while ’ , crossed out heavily , followed by the word ‘ before ’ , also nearly obliterated ) ‘ — Ca n't find any more ; R had another folder .
26 Shreeves ' side have another day 's advantage on the other British teams involved in Europe as they do n't meet Porto in their second round second leg tie until Thursday night .
27 Citroen have another winner on their hands .
28 Some owners of compound eyes have another bonus to compensate for their poor resolution , and that is the rate at which they can perceive images .
29 Both aircraft have another element in common , in the form of TMAM 's President , S/L Neville Duke , DSO , DFC .
30 And Ireland has another cause to detest us — and rightly , I say .
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