Example sentences of "[noun] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 As well as an excellent display , the Lynx has a much louder speaker and — in the tradition of the Atari 8-bits and Commodore Amiga — a powerful set of chips to help it with the animation needed for superior three-dimensional games .
2 Although this technique has a long ancestry in the Old World it was unknown in the Americas until the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century .
3 Trial work suggests that the technique has a number of advantages over other forms of injection .
4 The technique has a host of medical and industrial applications , because bacteria can not colonise a protein-free surface .
5 Thirdly , the technique has a high contrast resolution which means that tumours are frequently shown with greater clarity than with computed tomography .
6 In this typical example of scientific doublespeak , the burden of proof is , as usual , thrown on to conservationists to show that a fishing technique has an unacceptable effect , rather than on the fishing nations to show that the method is ecologically sound .
7 Compared with traditional approaches the technique has the advantage that it is both strictly objective , being based on rigorous statistical analysis , and has a readily interpretable measurement scale .
8 This technique has the advantages that you do n't have to paint or draw anything ; nor is it necessary to tidy up the edges of the wall hanging as this can add to the haphazard effect .
9 It will be seen that this technique has the effect of interchanging the rankings of the best and worst cases in Table 4.4 , emphasizing the importance of sticking to one method of analysis .
10 It will be seen that this technique has the effect of interchanging the rankings of the best and worst cases in Table 4.4 , emphasizing the importance of sticking to one method of analysis .
11 That this technique has the effect of mirroring the minds of the people is confirmed by the contrasts between two passages which describe Lok and Tuami when they are exhausted .
12 This technique has the effect of helping the doctor-salesperson relationship to develop and continue .
13 For example , at an energy E , the orbit has a semi-major axis of length r B and a semi-minor axis of length r A .
14 ‘ When you weigh it up ’ Johnson Matthey has the know how by Barry Connelly , Brimsdown
15 Every bike has a serial number near the crank shaft .
16 Mum 's bike has a 19 ½in frame and 26in wheels .
17 Brenda reckons having her own bike has a few benefits .
18 The girl 's bike has the same specification as the boy 's but comes with mudguards and a carrier at the back .
19 So a 20-storey building has a period of about 2 seconds , a natural frequency of 0.5 hertz ; a five-storey building has a period of half a second , a natural frequency of 2 hertz .
20 So a 20-storey building has a period of about 2 seconds , a natural frequency of 0.5 hertz ; a five-storey building has a period of half a second , a natural frequency of 2 hertz .
21 As a typical 20-storey building has a frequency of 0.5 hertz , and taller buildings have even lower frequencies , they are likely to be beyond the range of resonance .
22 The next building has a funfair quality .
23 To this day the building has a remarkable power in a modern city of concrete skyscrapers and oppressive traffic .
24 The unusually elegant stone building has a tall hexagonal chimney .
25 The present day building has a small western tower and 12th century nave standing away from the road on the edge of a wood .
26 The building has a swimming pool in the basement — ideal for a victory splash .
27 Every building has a shrine at which offerings must be placed twice a day .
28 The main building has a dining-room , kitchen , TV-lounge and reading-room on the ground floor , and a lecture theatre , two seminar rooms , bursar 's flat and two toilets on the first floor .
29 This gracious and well-proportioned early 19th-century building has a varied past : it started out life as a rectory , became a farmhouse , and is now a comfortable country hotel .
30 THE LACE CENTRE , housed in a beautiful timber framed building has a wonderful selection of lace products on sale .
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