Example sentences of "[noun] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Slovak Prime Minister , Jan Carnogursky , confirmed a statement he made in an interview with the French paper Libération that Slovakia aimed to be in the European Communities as an independent state by 2000 .
2 Here , the Dialectical Theologians took up afresh one of the prominent motifs in the thought of the Reformers : that the kind of religion that man works out for himself is in the end idolatry , for its real object is not the living God , but man 's own secret divinity .
3 But it was in Cropper 's and Roscoe 's home town amongst liberal men of religion that agitation of the economic arguments had first substantially begun .
4 The kind of religion that people like in this country is to do , I think , with their sense of identity as being British people and following British habits and customs .
5 Once again , Alex was struck by the absurdity — no , the cruelty — of the self-image that society tries to impose on women .
6 In this leaflet we want to explain the low risks that lesbians face from HIV and how to keep it that way by practising safer sex and safer drug use .
7 Thors was a small price to pay for the risks that Britain would be running by having American missiles deployed in her crowded islands .
8 They were not risks that Mario cared to take .
9 These economic Robespierres have got the policy initiative partly because they are ready to take risks that others balk at .
10 Looking back I am constantly amazed and grateful for the high risks that others took by giving me responsibility in my early years in ICI .
11 But for good measure we added extra benefits to ensure that the policy is right for the risks that householders face today .
12 Internationally or domestically , no supervisory system can capture or even measure all the risks that banks run , partly because these risks are constantly changing .
13 This was already being discussed widely as a possible motive for the action that Orkney Islands Council had taken .
14 There was so much enraged violence in the action that Isabel knew she had missed being hurled across the church by that powerful arm only because of fitzAlan 's self-control .
15 Perhaps a major inhibitor of change was the teacher action that term over the teachers ' pay claim .
16 The planned Leipzig Museum for Contemporary Art was conceived back in 1987 , before the reunification of Germany , as a place in which art from both East and West could be seen together a means of ending the isolation that East German museums found themselves in .
17 That 's fixed but some some of them started off with a a fo a double sided piece of paper which is thrown away with the rest of the garbage that people keep in their houses .
18 Nevertheless , as will be seen in the following section , the approach developed by Digital Equipment Corporation in Scotland created work groups with most of the characteristics that Vaill identified .
19 The European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ) was finally established in 1975 , together with general agreement on the definition of a region , on the criteria for determining eligibility for assistance and upon the general characteristics that policies should possess .
20 Perhaps the most significant figures in the survey are those indicating the characteristics that men and women see in drivers of the opposite sex .
21 Styles of dress , hairstyles , musical interests , speech and language use , leisure activities , and values are among the characteristics that teenagers appear to learn , in part , by watching and comparing themselves to others in their group .
22 Amongst all the negative characteristics that Piggy was given the four which were stressed the most were his asthma , glasses , physical appearance and most of all the loss of his parents .
23 Many of the so-called personality characteristics that people manifest , and many of the habits they have acquired , are subject to modification .
24 The results of BBC WILDLIFE 'S favourite animal survey may not be particularly representative of the British population as a whole , but they certainly shed some interesting light on the particular animal characteristics that readers find most appealing .
25 One of the better songs , ‘ Sweet Sentiment 's Pet ’ , showed enormous flair for improvising irresistibly improbable rhymes : The final verse , a sort of policy recommendation , advocated the remedy that parliament would so readily agree to in the ensuing months ; one that was ‘ cheapest and quickest and best ’ :
26 Posting some of the city 's bills to another address — ‘ load-shedding ’ , as it is called — is a remedy that appeals to New York politicians .
27 This did not surprise me , since one could see at a glance that Herr Bremann was a gentleman of great decency .
28 The glance that Gideon Eddy turned upon the perspiring landlord had struck fear into a whole generation of London criminals .
29 Ari watched with interest the sharp glance that Roirbak directed at her .
30 Mitch turned to look at her steadily and she did not miss the quick glance that Felipe cast in her direction .
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