Example sentences of "[noun] he 'll " in BNC.

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1 P'raps 'e 'll walk yer 'ome , ’ she added .
2 ‘ Billy 's runnin' around wiv a nasty crowd of 'ippidy'oys. 'E 'll be gettin' 'imself inter trouble wiv the police if 'e 's not careful . ’
3 As soon as we have found him another set of legs he 'll be out and about again , do you think he 'll mind walking on his hands for now ?
4 However please do n't anyone tell Graham Kelly about all this — he 'll probably try and stop us sending messages to list members in Europe , or make an announcement that the authorities are doing all in their power to break up some hooligan ring he 'll call the Sony Hedgehog Club .
5 And he sees his feedback he 'll kick himself
6 him in the car he 'll sit there .
7 For Chris it was a result he 'll never forget ; for Dennis a reminder that if he 's to make an impact at next month 's world championship , even he will need to do some potting practice .
8 He is a good midfielder but without the goals he 'll never really be considered a great player .
9 mind hen , every Friday He 'll bring you hame a Babycham If
10 Robert Dunlop says its a good team and on Easter friday he 'll be up against the best in the world … he 's a positive man and hopes to be British champion this year
11 think after our meeting next Friday he 'll , he will issue a dr a programme
12 This Saturday he 'll be joined by former Gloucester captain Mike Hamlin , who 's playing his first First team match for his new club .
13 ‘ It was in Kabul that I got caught in a safe house , ’ another term he 'll always think of differently , ‘ by the secret police and I was put in prison .
14 Julius needs to maintain a certain lifestyle , and you might find it difficult at first to cope with the demands he 'll make on you . ’
15 ‘ I must say the old trousers he wears let him down a little — but at the wedding he 'll wear his best suit .
16 He he has said if I do go for maintenance he 'll deny that Ricky 's his .
17 In 18 months he 'll be even better .
18 ‘ Oh , d'yer fink 'e 'll pay tuppence ? ’ asked Linda .
19 I be lucky I get any bloke fer more'n two monfs togewer like my ol' lady I suppose an' if I get a bloke 'e 'll be aht a' work or 'e 'll set me ter the bleed'n game like 'er I would n't be surprised but if you reely want ter now jus ' fer now for this minute I wanner enjoy it .
20 You ask a man who has a bit more experience and plenty of common sense ad he 'll say to you , ‘ Get the lad in , bring him home to his parents and the father will give him a clip round the ear . ’
21 they 've had all and oh lunch he 'll manage dinner ca n't swap them about Are you alright then ?
22 He 's 26 years old and because of an accident at work he 'll never walk again .
23 They 've been charting the progress of Rob Coles throughout the British Steel challenge … possibly the toughest seafaring test he 'll ever experience .
24 Er June to December he 'll say .
25 Says if I move the window he 'll be able to see what it is and avoid it . ’
26 But that that bloke , that bloke he 'll thump anybody wo n't he Geoff ?
27 And he 's , he 's using that to make the frame and then the doors for our old wardrobes he 'll use for the front of it , you know .
28 ‘ He 's obviously had his problems at Everton , but with help he 'll pull through .
29 Farmers are facing increasing uncertainty about the future , but at least Brian Lloyd knows how many lambs he 'll have .
30 Like if I sit there painting my nails he 'll say what started that ?
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