Example sentences of "[noun] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We chose linear regression for describing the overall changes in mean sperm concentrations , but other statistical models have also been tested .
2 This situation and its controversies have continued , but in general , from the eighteenth century , increasingly specialized academies came through as institutions for teaching many of the arts .
3 Secondly , actors inherit collective ways of seeing the world , languages for describing it , and institutions for organizing it .
4 The ban on loans to institutions for buying shares was also lifted .
5 Before modern institutions for extending credit were available , insignia and jewels were well adapted to serve as sureties for loans .
6 This team research project will provide an analysis of the policy process in six EC member states ( three in each of Southern and Northern Europe ) and also in the EC institutions for understanding how exactly the creation of the SEM will affect and be affected by environmental policy considerations .
7 By notice of appeal dated 22 April 1992 the father appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that any consideration of the children 's welfare in the context of a judicial discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention was relevant only as a material factor if it met the test of placing the children in an ‘ intolerable situation ’ under article 13 ( b ) ; ( 2 ) the judge should have limited considerations of welfare to the criteria for welfare laid down by the Convention itself ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that in the context of the exercise of the discretion permitted by article 13 ( a ) the court was limited to a consideration of the nature and quality of the father 's acquiescence ( as found by the Court of Appeal ) ; ( 4 ) in the premises , despite her acknowledgment that the exercise of her discretion had to be seen in the context of the Convention , the judge exercised a discretion based on a welfare test appropriate to wardship proceedings ; ( 5 ) the judge was further in error as a matter of law in not perceiving as the starting point for the exercise of her discretion the proposition that under the Convention the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the state from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 6 ) the judge , having found that on the ability to determine the issue between the parents there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England , was wrong not to conclude that as a consequence the mother had failed to displace the fundamental premise of the Convention that the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the country from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 7 ) the judge also misdirected herself when considering which court should decide the future of the children ( a ) by applying considerations more appropriate to the doctrine of forum conveniens and ( b ) by having regard to the likely outcome of the hearing in that court contrary to the principles set out in In re F. ( A Minor ) ( Abduction : Custody Rights ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 25 ; ( 8 ) in the alternative , if the judge was right to apply the forum conveniens approach , she failed to have regard to the following facts and matters : ( a ) that the parties were married in Australia ; ( b ) that the parties had spent the majority of their married life in Australia ; ( c ) that the children were born in Australia and were Australian citizens ; ( d ) that the children had spent the majority of their lives in Australia ; ( e ) the matters referred to in ground ( 9 ) ; ( 9 ) in any event on the facts the judge was wrong to find that there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England as fora for deciding the children 's future ; ( 11 ) the judge was wrong on the facts to find that there had been a change in the circumstances to which the mother would be returning in Australia given the findings made by Thorpe J. that ( a ) the former matrimonial home was to be sold ; ( b ) it would be unavailable for occupation by the mother and the children after 7 February 1992 ; and ( c ) there would be no financial support for the mother other than state benefits : matters which neither Thorpe J. nor the Court of Appeal found amounted to ‘ an intolerable situation . ’
8 WIGAN boss John Monie yesterday blasted rugby league title rivals St Helens for refusing to switch Sunday 's clash from Knowsley Road to Central Park , which has undersoil heating .
9 Like Irenaeus , Epiphanius condemns the Ebionites or Nazareans for denying the Virgin Birth , teaching that Jesus was a man born of men , declaring that Jesus became Messiah only on his baptism and using alternative versions of the Acts of the Apostles .
10 ‘ The first time your children tell you they 've heard the story , remember , I warned you , ’ He drained his mug , dropping it over his shoulder into the water slushing around in the galley : ‘ Nothing like a hurricane for washing dishes . ’
11 They both express the same , slightly ironic , delight in the munificence of old houses : Cobbett , when walking through the Duke of Buckingham 's park , remarks in a manner that anticipates Harold Skimpole 's : ‘ I , like POPE 'S cock in the farm-yard , could not help thanking the DUKE and DUCHESS for having generously made such ample provision for our pleasure .
12 BR has had difficulty filling vacancies for signalling staff in the wilder outposts of its empire .
13 ‘ You 've been such a brick for carrying on while I was away .
14 Meanwhile Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke last night received an apology from ITN for claiming that he had been late for yesterday 's wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph .
15 For safety 's sake , replace any plugs that do not have partly sleeved live and neutral pins if you have children in the house , since this provides extra protection for prying little fingers .
16 The protection for losing authorities ( for the following three years ) will be paid for by the Exchequer , ’ Mr Hunt said , answering a demand for central funding repeated in the debate .
17 There is a major obstacle to developing a practical sensor for measuring the enantiomeric purity of drugs or their metabolites in physiological samples .
18 US banks , which also lost heavily , were furious with the Bundesbank for refusing to compensate them .
19 Mr Lamont went on to slam the German Bundesbank for forcing devaluation .
20 What it 's like : adjustable , removable seat with neck support and removable padded outer cover which can be used as a cradle for nursing and dozing , terry bib and adjustable padded straps .
21 Pin the angled offcuts from the legs on to a scrap piece of wood to make an excellent cradle for planing and also for clamping blocks .
22 21–7 " Letters were read from the secretary and convener of the Praise Committee of the Church with regard to a grant for assisting the congregation to secure an instrument to be used in congregational praise , from which it appears that the Committee were prepared to give £10 on condition that the instrument would be introduced in connection with public worship , and that the congregation contributed a suitable proportion of the cost . "
23 The Department of Transport was then offering a 50% grant towards the cost of new one-man buses , and was persuaded to give Blackpool the same grant for converting its railcoaches to ‘ new trams ’ .
24 That is the case with P&O Scottish Ferries : its grant for providing services to and from Shetland and Orkney has just been been raised by £1.9m , to £8.6m .
25 A home built before 1919 might merit a grant for repairing foundations or roof , for instance .
26 THE Sports Council may cut the British Amateur Weightlifters ' Association 's £170,000 grant for taking no action against Andrew Davies and Andrew Saxton .
27 Your local council can make a grant towards improving or repairing your home , and that can include a grant for making your home warmer .
28 yeah , you get a subsidized grant for going to London , yeah , so you get like more than normal
29 In other words , any immigrant , disabled , single-parent , unemployed lesbian trombonist could get a grant for turning up .
30 For example , group discussion may precede and follow individual writing ; writing may be collaborative ; and listening to stories is often a preparation for reading .
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