Example sentences of "[noun] of like " in BNC.

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1 That is , whereas Lok is freed from quasi-metaphorical thought patterns and learns to use comparison , separating concepts and seeing them independently , the reader is shown the comparison first , then , with the deletion of like the peoples ' view is represented .
2 ‘ I kind of like that spirit .
3 The way I think of the band is kind of like puzzle pieces ; to me the secret of an effective arrangement is not for everyone to push towards the same kind of sound , but for everyone to play something that 's contrasting but interlocking , so that when you listen to the song , all the pieces fall into place around each other .
4 Kind of like Les Paul ?
5 I suppose it 's kind of like going from drums to percussion . ’
6 ‘ He makes you feel kind of like a kite .
7 But I kind of like it anyway .
8 The protest I envisioned for that brief moment was relatively peaceful though , kind of like a pro-abortion march on Washington .
9 It 's more just to slow the thing up , when it does slide it 's kind of like ‘ Oh ! ’ and you kinda dig in your knees and everything and it 's a bit of a moment . ’
10 ‘ It 's kind of like a universal anthem , ’ says the director , with characteristic lack of modesty .
11 I kind of like it .
12 He says there ai n't nothing else next and er so er I stood there and I said this , kind of like this I 've got ta do something so er I went er to pick sommat up down the back but before that he said , here you are , he says I put these ready all you got ta do is put the screws in those locks you know , like .
13 And do n't you dare tell anybody this , not anybody , even Mary-Catherine , ’ commands Rainbow , ‘ but I kind of like having her around .
14 well — as seen on sky norwich' disallowed goal was even more doubtful — strach — was — offside ( but not interfering with play ) — kind of like the goal that lorimer ‘ scored ’ against Bayern Munich way back then when bremner was judged to be offside .
15 for those of you that did not see the match the situation looked kind of like this :
16 I 'd give Rocky a chance on the right or if not move Kelly forward with Bardsley in behind ( kind of like the way Jack Charlton plays Terry Phelan behind Steve Staunton ) and probably go for a new left winger to help Dorigo ( sorry Mrs. Dorigo Anthony ) .
17 My own view that Sun readers are n't stupid and that the general public is n't really a stupid erm but erm they enjoy reading it and they 're reading for the experience of reading , getting their views and are very almost like , have you ever seen processed cheese slabs , you know you can buy little pieces of cheese in little wrappers that stick on your bread or your butter or your rolls and the way the Sun , the Sun newspaper 's kind of like that , if you do n't wan na read thirty five pages in the Independent every day , enormous amount of news terrifically written , reported for the , for the most part , you could read the Sun at a quarter of the price , except that you do n't get all the news and you also get er a different political viewpoint but it 's one way of getting news in er
18 I actually I I intend to believe you actually have been sent by the Jehovah 's Witness to defend the indefensible , it 's a kind of like a and I I y'know , I 'm I 'm sorry but I do n't really think this actually deserves that .
19 It feels kind of like a family , you know ?
20 Well this is kind of like a sideline for us , the Game Genie Video Enhancer in not the normal kind of thing we do .
21 Was it just kind of like a dance ?
22 Are there some people who do n't kind of like it ?
23 It did kind of like whatever !
24 kind of like here
25 Yeah but I thought in the case of like Petula Clark and Lulu it was because they won it that got them into the scene sort of thing .
26 when it prints out the bottom of like the noughts and , the bottom of the figure is missing , you can read it , it 's not important , but it 's done because the one , it wo it 's punching onto , onto metal because that paper 's not on our till receipt .
27 A string of beads of like that
28 They 're sort of like cages and a car thing pulls them along , and stuff is stuck in them , like newspapers and all that .
29 It 's sort of like snow , but not quite .
30 It looks sort of like a picture — you know , a proper painting , with all the bushes and the frosty grass and that .
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