Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] when " in BNC.

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1 Well what really set my mind was when I lost my sister and my brother .
2 Forte Travel Lodge , and I thought shit , and of course the thing that went through my mind was when Graham 's out on the road
3 Probably wondered why the last two anniversaries was when I was in college .
4 Their instruments offer tradition , integrity and respectability , although we should remember how radical their models were when first introduced , for the most part decades ago .
5 I 'm inclined to agree with Upson , whose last National tilt was when Over The Road finished fourth two years ago .
6 Can I ask you what your reaction was when you knew you were going to be cautioned and not prosecuted ?
7 erm fucking indoor murder ball , the seat , cushion and stuff like that , its fucking well out of order piss up games oh that 's right I think we played in , I think we played , you know that British bull dog thing ? , we managed to clear all the fucking the nappy chair this and the chairs out the way , we were playing this British bull dog sort of thing and the only thing , the only , the only difference was when you got caught , got , everybody was fucking giving you a few thumps in the arm , for good measure like , and we played about four of this and every time this cocky little son of a bitch did n't get caught , he was always the last person , so we fucking said , we said , me and this other guy 's that are in our troop and that er , we said right we 'll get him , so when , when everybody sort of go for it right just after the one person in the middle , said fucking just get this guy and fucking pin him down and do something to him right , we did n't , I think we said we 'd just get him , yeah that 's a good idea , so he 's gone right go and his mate he 's fucking took off two steps and there 's eight of us fucking dived on top of him , what the fucking , he 's struggling , get off you cunt so we pinned him down and at first we was just going to de-bag him in front of the women , we 've taken his boots off and his trousers and that and shave his bollocks , yeah the whole fucking yeah , it was like an audience , all that they sort of gathered up the chairs and the tables fuck have his bollocks shaved .
8 You see well the point was when you pick 'em up erm we had a sm we had a big boat , what we called hanger boat , a very heavy boat and that used to have a wooden so therefore we used to pull it up by hand and pull it ove on a little barrel with a hand power that 's what we used to do and once we got the anchor in board we 'd pull the chain in by hand and then rerun it again right on to the mud and on the anchor again .
9 But that , at the end of that period was when Volks recalled the loan .
10 If you have , you will know how weak your muscles were when first you tried to get up and walk again .
11 He found out what colour adrenalin was when he got home .
12 Yeah , at the beginning was when sort of got twenty minutes left to do it erm we were fine there and I think it was the beginning part was and then we started panicking then like sort of after that you said oh do you want five minutes or more and we all sort of looked at each other you know and we did n't feel that we had enough time erm so we just sort of really
13 D' ya know that 's how Arthur was when I first met him and and he was .
14 ‘ The hospitalization was when you and Mr. Willoughby knew each other ? ’ said Maximilian , motioning the stenographer to attend .
15 No er the most annoying thing about last night was when , when Martin was actually reviewing erm some of the topics that we had n't got right erm and Martin was prompting us with questions and we answered them !
16 and outside where those students sit , I thought the young people were when you read some of that in paper the cigarette ends and crisp packets , well that can only be the students , I mean people go through but they 're not
17 Occasionally , after refreshments — two would go in at two o'clock , two more at half past two , and so on — the only time you could have a natter with your colleague was when you left the station and you saw the sergeant going in for his refreshments .
18 The only time I 've ever frozen in an exam was when I 'd gone for three exams solid without kip , one after the other , and I just brain and the other ones were a real struggle and I had to graft my marks out of solid granite y'know I was chiselling away .
19 The only trouble was when Stephanie come out he did n't want to come home .
20 Did you see how nice the man was when he started to talk to Jason oh I 'll go and help you how friendly he was he was conning him , he was tricking .
21 Because the only time I approached the the man was when my revolver was the holster and the holster was done up .
22 The nearest Dovercourt came to real scandal was when some of the boys discovered the red light district of Harwich .
23 I mean my boy had a er a terrible accident ten years ago and smashed all his face all his teeth were when we first saw his face he 'd got no teeth left but it 's got them all back .
24 Alternatively , the profit was earned by the exploitation of property assets and arose or was derived from the places where those assets were when sold or licensed and remain ; all outside Hong Kong .
25 Yeah , and there 's another couple of guys and they were saying that how strict the training was when they first took it on you know that the their masters used to beat them and everything , into submission , s said they had to have complete submission before they could train them to be what they were , you know , bring them up , teach them and train them
26 That was Convergence was when you shift your speech style to become more like somebody else .
27 The first thing was when I got there , my parents took me up there and the cow man was just coming back from going in with the cows , and he looked across at me in my sparkling white , new uniform , you know , land army girl sort of standing , ’ Ah , you be my new mate then ! ’ you should have seen my mother 's face !
28 Well , when Mandy was when I was pregnant with Mandy I used to wear this old , you know those rabbit skin coats coney coat what they 're called ?
29 We phoned the chemist to find where the nearest and best doctor was when we moved to Preston .
30 Er last time I went to the doctor was when I hurt my back .
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