Example sentences of "[noun] [is] your " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps this alc-free atmos is pertinent , when you consider that the auditorium is your classic Dead Poets Society assembly hall , all carved balconies and high arches , church-like to the point of intense God-fear !
2 ‘ Charlie Trumper 's your granpa ? ’
3 As the old Stock Exchange saying goes : ‘ Your first loss is your best loss . ’
4 My own latest effort , What Side Is Your Bread Buttered On ? and Other Culinary Conundra , has also been getting the runaround in Vauxhall Bridge Road .
5 The second result is your fall back position .
6 Then Lloyd Mangram 's your man !
7 We owe it to them never to surrender this country to those whose motive for murder is your place of work .
8 Biography is your life story .
9 His clientele includes famous faces from stage , screen and the music industry — so , for any colouring and perming services , David 's your man !
10 Linda 's your age group , Maggie 's your
11 Taylor told : Wright is your man !
12 Yellow 's your colour . ’
13 Very nice , yeah we 've got that on dad 's , aha there 's a car is your dad home tonight ?
14 Anything that involves hand to eye co-ordination , Andy 's your boy ’ . ’
15 How you manifest your aspects is your choice entirely .
16 Ow 's your Will keepin' ? ’
17 Well Saturday is your worst day cos we have telly on till twelve o'clock at night .
18 This final figure is your cutting length .
19 Have you told him Dana is your twin ? ’
20 Are you in the R is your husband in the R A F ?
21 I 'm not saying you 're plain , but your disadvantage is your attitude towards men . ’
22 ‘ It looks bad , but at the moment we have no proof that the blood is your uncle 's . ’
23 ’ And that bug is your proof , ’ Mala added , ’ of what we 're up against .
24 For the purpose of this question , temporarily forget that marriage is your intention .
25 So she looked at Neva 's hand and into her eyes , and told her , " You will be lucky , for the sun is your kinsman , born in the same hour .
26 ‘ I think forced withdrawal is your only option .
27 This masterly collection of Beethoven symphonies is your introduction to the world 's finest classical works , from every major recording label in the world .
28 Last thing just briefing cos this is designing the training session is your notes .
29 If Simon is your father .
30 The hut is your home , Holly .
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