Example sentences of "[noun] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 Why do authorities make the little things in life so difficult ?
2 For how long in the future does the decision affect the business , and how quickly can the decision be reversed if it is later found to be a bad one ?
3 Will employers prefer the new graduates to the A level employees , and , where will the graduates with their already developed learning skills obtain their building surveyor education ?
4 The best method nowadays , of course , is to put it on the computer and let the computer plot the lot .
5 Charlie assumed that he must fall with every pace he took , as he watched the lieutenant treat the German wire as just another hurdle , before running on towards the enemy trenches as if they were the finishing line in some race being held at his public school .
6 Echosounders calibrated for sea water over read slightly in fresh water , which may in part explain the exceptional reading .
7 It is concluded that like EGF , TGF α can stimulate pancreatic cancer growth in vivo , and this may in part explain the aggressive nature of these cancers in cliical practice .
8 He said : ‘ Duffy was a highly unpopular man and that might in part explain the reluctance to attend .
9 The NME was unusually acerbic about the incident , referring to Gedge 's ‘ fat arse ’ and continuing : ‘ This could of course explain the band 's recent silence .
10 Will the reorganisation affect the museum 's capacity to present temporary exhibitions ?
11 The current EFTA Council chairman Pertti Salolainen spoke of the EEA as " a building block in the new European architecture " and suggested that " while the EC will of course remain the centre of attraction in Europe , the EEA may very well become an attractive concept for central and eastern European countries seeking to become part of the greater European family " .
12 Perhaps he should let Cora-Beth make the running this evening at his party .
13 The suggestion that the typical science enthusiast was Anglican and not politically radical does not of course affect the wider generalization that Protestant cultures were more amenable to freedom of thought .
14 Does your description stay the same ?
15 In other words , can a computer imitate the process the archaeological expert carries out by eye when he constructs his standard typologies ?
16 With a sigh she slid her hands beneath the front of his jacket and let her own fingers graze the hard stubs of his nipples .
17 I shall of course notify the company straight away , but how soon must it inform the London Stock Exchange and what details must it supply ?
18 But it is perhaps better not to try to make a bizarre idea for a murder the seed in your mind for a book , though when you have devised your plot you should of course make the actual circumstances of the murder as attention-grabbing as possible .
19 How does Mrs Whitehouse make the connection between sexual and political revolution ?
20 In their broadest terms they refer to the whole issue of the supply of labour : do taxes affect the choice of occupation , the individual 's drive for promotion , the number of hours worked , the rate of productivity , labour mobility , the decision to retire from work , to emigrate , and so on ?
21 If it becomes law , a bill now before Italy 's parliament will in any case forbid the Treasury from making the Bank of Italy print money for its debts .
22 The resources on which they call in making this decision include the above typifications , as well as local knowledge of the area and its crime , and contextual and time variables .
23 There were two possible starting-points for any decision , the King and the Council , which might of course discuss the matter jointly .
24 Does this case overrule the authority of The Prince 's Case ( 1606 ) 8 Co Rep 1a , where it was stated that an enactment , even though entered on the parliamentary roll , would not be an Act of Parliament if assented to by the King and the Lords , or the King and the Commons , as the assent of all three is necessary ?
25 When Mr Major learned the result , he acted as if he had seen Chelsea win the Cup rather than his own MPs come so close to humiliating him .
26 SCOTVEC sends a letter to all centres in August to let teachers and lecturers know the general areas for review .
27 One of the most significant recent developments is the emergence of Muslim youth groups , united by their desire to see Islam enjoy the same protection as Christianity .
28 As the bulldozers continue to gather up the money , will NIRVANA survive the madness of mega-success ?
29 Because if the British Courts are forced to order a re-trial , which they 'll be reluctant to do , 'though they may have to , then that could happen more quickly and that would of course overthrow the verdict and everything .
30 which does n't dry the skin dry the skin out or anything and erm it 's just like washing your face with water .
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