Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] life " in BNC.

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1 Is his work , to put it at its bluntest , a throwback to an age long past , a magnificent but doomed attempt to breathe life into fossils ?
2 The Kings Manor pupils were given a challenge by Middlesbrough 's mayor to highlight life on the town 's Easterside estate .
3 Where designer pop-soul seeks to bolster narcissism ( ‘ learning to love yourself/is the greatest love of all , ’ as Whitney Houston puts it ) and amplify one 's sense of human capability to manage life , hardcore finds perverse pleasure in damaging narcissism , destabilizing one 's sense of human mastery , by a morbid preoccupation with … psychic breakdown , arbitrary violence , random calamity , irrational impulses , the Whole gamut of ‘ unemployable negativity ’ ( Bataille ) .
4 He maintained he had never received replies to letters or acknowledgement of seeds but the dispatch of the eighth edition of the Dictionary ( April 1768 ) awaited direction and then , with an unusually personal note , he excuses himself , ‘ … having had the misfortune to dislocate the ankelbone of my leg above a year and a half since gone … confinement and want of usual exercise has brought many maladies upon me , but I am in hope of proper remedies to prolong life a little longer . ’
5 This concerned pulse diagnosis by doctors and herbal prescriptions to prolong life .
6 ‘ Use those eyes and ears to save life , ’ Sir Hugh told journalists .
7 One , in order that the old type of arrangement you know , would no longer prevail , and that subsequently if people were going to have assemblies , part assemblies before they assembled the whole unit , then whole areas would have to be cleared , new benches would have to be built , the departments would have to be totally gone through you know , and all the rubbish cleared out and , and access and egress you know , to every department to make life easier for everybody .
8 Atherton and Gatting appear the most vulnerable and there are strong arguments for introducing at least one left-hander in a bid to make life more difficult for leg-spinner Shane Warne .
9 ‘ The play , like a religious service , should be a stimulant to make life more tolerable and augment our ability to live …
10 Sometimes a correlation or co-occurrence is incorrectly presented as a causality , for example , by the use of " therefore " in this sentence : Dickens and Thackeray were concerned with demanding social justice in an attempt to make life better , therefore their literature adopted realism as a method .
11 How anyone can ridicule and trivialise such an attempt to make life more pleasant in Darlington is totally beyond me , particularly when the person primarily responsible is the Mayor and first citizen of the town .
12 The ‘ sunbeams ’ endless struggle to create life is the futility of the title and its helplessness when it comes to protecting that life .
13 This is probably most relevant to those fishkeepers with a ‘ natural ’ unfiltered garden pond or aquarium , where not only the fish and microfauna , but also the aerobic bacteria all demand their quota of oxygen to sustain life .
14 The significance of the decision here , given that the case concerned a child who was not terminally ill , is its recognition that it may not always be a doctor 's duty in law to preserve life , provided certain conditions are met .
15 It is of no consequence once it is accepted that the God to serve humanity originated at the moment that life first became manifest , and combined with the material of the universe to start the long process of producing living creatures with the capacity to enjoy life and all that that involves .
16 The meaning of ‘ the capacity to enjoy life ’ within the Alternative Religion will be enlarged upon in the final chapter of this book .
17 This came into being when the very first change in the first cell took place , and that change , which was the first biochemical action , ultimately proved to have been , or must be acknowledged to have been , taken to initiate the process which would continue indefinitely to produce a living being with an ever-increasing capacity to enjoy life .
18 Long afterwards , when it was over , when he could finally bear to think of it all , he understood that , deep down , Laura had not expected to live beyond thirty and that , without realizing it , he had picked up on this and joined in the relentless , exhausting determination to sample life to the fullest .
19 At its distance from the equator there would be inadequate Sunlight to grow the main source of human energy , corn , and insufficient warmth in the winter to sustain life .
20 Launched by Environmental Secretary Michael Heseltine , the foundation is the business arm of the 25-year £4 billion Mersey Basin Campaign to breathe life back into the region 's waterways and surrounding land .
21 When the proposal to create life peers — and peeresses — came before the full House of Lords , it was Lord Glasgow who formulated the classic argument .
22 Use your own phrases to give life to your writing .
23 He justifies his action on the grounds that as a surgeon severs limbs to save life , so he , Gandhi , severs the body from the soul in order to save the soul .
24 The way you manage to cope with all the problems that life with an elderly parent may present will depend not only upon their magnitude , or the help you receive from others , but also on your attitude towards them , and your determination to live life just a day at a time , thus breaking your stress up into smaller and more manageable ‘ sections ’ .
25 One of the functions of later life is dealing with and coming to terms with many earlier experiences to review life and evaluate it .
26 Bergson went so far as to describe intelligence , or the intellect , as being , and I quote , ‘ characterised by a natural inability to comprehend life . ’
27 The Right to Enjoy Life is Enshrined in Evolution
28 The city council recognises the need to re-inject life into the potentially deserted central area , particularly after business hours , and it is considered that there is no surer means of achieving this aim than by encouraging young people to live in the city centre again .
29 Alternatively , if we do n't need our whole luck ration for these two stages of our theory , we can , in effect , use the surplus to postulate life elsewhere in the universe .
30 You who must decide whether you are prepared to go on allowing dangerous aggression to mar life for all of us .
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