Example sentences of "[noun] [that] has " in BNC.

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1 But at least the new developments should ease the diplomatic impasse that has kept relations between Japan and the Soviet Union frozen for 46 years .
2 Gradually , the state of anticipation at Ballingolin began to subside like an inflated pig 's bladder that has a slow leak .
3 His hands shake ant his balance is cruelly uncertain , a fly wheel that has lost its rhythm .
4 Yet Christianity is a religion that has always been open to rational criticism when its critics have been granted the freedom to make their challenge known .
5 Every heresy and man-made religion that has ever been invented presents a fractured picture of Jesus Christ .
6 They are Chinese Muslims whose ancestors came to China from Arabia as long ago as 651 and who still live scattered throughout the People 's Republic , preserving a way of life , a language and a religion that has more in common with Mecca than with the Orient .
7 First , when there has been confrontation , it has been religion that has yielded in the end .
8 At home the action that has drawn most attention in the past year was his vote in favour of war in the Gulf .
9 During a civil action that has been going on for years over ownership , he was made a ward of court and his bones kept in shoe boxes in a bank . ’
10 Criticism ( like praise ) should be related to the particular action that has earned it ( 'I do n't like it when you swear' ) .
11 The declining importance of religion in social life in general , and in particular the declining influence of Christianity on the great moral questions of the day was ( and is ) the spur to action that has kept the NVALA going for over twenty years .
12 Action in the majority of adventure stories is seen both to affect and to be affected by character but in the end it is action that has the final word , in the romantic happy ending in which the heroism of man is affirmed .
13 It was also resolved that this article should appear in ‘ Contact ’ to inform members of Convocation of the course of action that has been forced on Standing Committee by Hong Kong Branch due to their noncompliance with the standing orders of the Branch Constitution .
14 Lord Coke lays it down broadly that the staying of an action that has been unjustly brought is no consideration for a promise to pay money .
15 Labour has a clear programme for action that has been endorsed at successive party conferences , including that held last month .
16 Representing an action as predictable also implies seeing it as something potential , that is , as an action that has ( or had ) high chances of being performed , and not as an actuality .
17 Erm , that 's the reason Chair , er , on that , and I hope that members will accept the action that has been taken .
18 If this is done then the status of the file and the action that has been taken can be easily verified by others .
19 As a former reporter I devour newsprint with the appetite of a motorised refuse truck , but some of the garbage that has been written about myself and other women MPs deserves instant binning .
20 One of the main characteristics that has distinguished all radical art , from that of the Soviet revolution to the art of South Africa , from the art of our movement to the work of the AIDS practitioners in the United States , is its proximity to an active audience .
21 Burn Down the Kings Road could even be described as a straightforward heavy rock track and Prince of Darkness is one of several songs that has the semblance of a pop tune .
22 Exposure to the context alone given after latent inhibition training will , according to the theory , allow extinction of the context-stimulus association that has already been formed .
23 The close association that has existed over many years between geophysicists and engineering geologists in multidisciplinary projects at BGS will be enhanced by bringing these staff into one group .
24 As he values the entire UK direct sales market at about £1,000m , this means his association already represents 20% of the total — ‘ not bad ’ , he reckons , ‘ for an association that has just been launched ’ .
25 Legal systems suppliers have recently formed a trade association that has been welcomed in the profession to encourage liaison and co-ordination .
26 Nevertheless , the proliferation that has occurred is serious , since it entails an acquisition of nuclear weaponry by states whose ruling groups may become desperate enough to use it .
27 This disconnection between aims and curricular plans seems to be an endemic disease of curricular planning and , unless amended , the National Curriculum will show that in the late twentieth century the policy makers still could n't get out of the rut of traditional thinking that has dogged education throughout this century .
28 William Osborne 's project manager , Steve Answell , who was responsible for master-minding the nine-month building phase , commented ‘ The amount of detailed investigation and the thoroughness with which it has been done represents the most comprehensive thinking that has ever gone into a new lifeboat in all the thirty years I have been associated with building them . ’
29 But on the other hand private care suffers from not being part of the mainstream thinking that has gone in to helping to move away from those bad practices and towards better practices in the statutory services and I think that these are the things that we really have to try and address .
30 It 's to recover a pedalling rhythm that has been temporarily lost .
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