Example sentences of "[noun] [that] they " in BNC.

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1 Has the Liberal party broken a convention , or was it merely a display of bad manners that they left the Chamber immediately after their spokesman had finished ?
2 They not infrequently turn for some answers to the religion that they may have been introduced to in the past but have long since rejected .
3 Sometimes it is argued that even if researchers do not really believe in the religion that they are studying , they will get more information if they pretend to do so — if , in other words , they use covert , rather than overt , methods of investigation .
4 As has been suggested , it was particularly the perceived threat to the importance of organised religion that they represented which galvanized Mrs Whitehouse and others into action .
5 Neither should they encourage Soviet people , in the Baltic states or elsewhere , to take risks that they would not otherwise take .
6 If the mother objects to abortion on moral or religious grounds , the tests are virtually pointless , and certainly not worth the additional risks that they raise .
7 It seemed to professionals and parents that there are certain ways in which young people can be helped : regimes they should follow ; treatments that are essential to their well-being ; skills and knowledge they require ; and risks that they need to be sheltered from .
8 Having assessed the possibilities of the transaction , the financiers will then wish to evaluate in detail the risks that they are likely to take .
9 It was such a childish action that they all laughed again before he said , while striking a pose , ‘ You have a lot to learn Mr Farrier . ’
10 However , I would disagree most strongly with the suggestions for future action that they draw from their results .
11 So eager were the Highlanders to be in action that they charged forward prematurely , to be swept by further fire from the hated artillery as well as by musket shots from the opposing infantry and from a detachment under the 18-year-old [ later Major-General ] James Wolfe , posted on the royal left flank , which took them in enfilade .
12 Critics argue that because of the control of information officials are in a position to slant their recommendations to one course of action that they prefer rather than one they do not prefer .
13 It is likely in any organisation that individuals will have different opinions , there will be personality clashes and there may well be conflicts of interest where an individual is required to pursue a particular course of action that they can not , in all conscience , perform .
14 The report published by the Indonesian Government and the action that they subsequently took — for example , against certain military commanders involved in the incident — show that they are not concerned simply with a cover-up .
15 We ca n't go on paying ourselves that sort of money , we ca n't go on , and Mr I know in a minute we 'll talk about the number of people who attend committee meetings erm and sit in on them , and that 's increased considerably , erm , so I think it 's important that we do get down to this problem , we grasp the nettle , and I , I believe that will mean that we start to look seriously at reducing the number of times members come and talk here , and perhaps we let the officers get on with the action that they should be getting on with
16 Indeed , and to allow them to take that sort of action that they feel allows them , or enables them to express what they 're feelings are , but to assume that they can take the sort of action that we as adults have not been able to take , i.e. to find different ways and more mature ways of resolving conflicts is putting expectations on children that we as adults have n't been able to achieve ourselves .
17 They would highlight certain characteristics of human beings , such as emotions or the capacity to make moral choices , as characteristics that they wish to value above all others .
18 A dangerous species is defined as ‘ a species ( a ) which is not commonly domesticated in the British Islands and ( b ) whose fully grown animals normally have such characteristics that they are likely , unless restrained , to cause severe damage or that any damage they may cause is likely to be severe . ’
19 The sounds that Angus heard and the sounds that his wife heard and the songs that they sung .
20 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
21 He suggested to the Leeds and District Football Association that they should field a representative side against Leeds City reserves , a game duly held at Elland Road , but he soon became disillusioned .
22 Oldham are also waiting for official confirmation from the Football Association that they can bring in another goalkeeper , a course of action restricted under Premier League rules to emergencies only .
23 The Russian official recently so upset his domestic association that they suspended him for two months , although UEFA insist : ‘ He 's still one of the best referees in Europe and the right man for the job . ’
24 The Russian official recently so upset his domestic association that they suspended him for two months , although UEFA insist : ‘ He 's still one of the best referees in Europe and the right man for the job . ’
25 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
26 This involves helping pupils so to develop skills of reflective thinking that they can be generously affirming of others without losing their own footing .
27 The insecticidal activity of most strains of Bt arises mainly from the proteinaceous δ-endotoxins , which are produced in such large amounts within the cell when it forms spores that they produce a characteristic crystal ( Fig. 3 ) .
28 And I I really do n't think they have any business without consulting you and me , as the peoples that they represent , because I 'm I 'm a voter in North Yorkshire too , so I do n't think they have any business actually doing this without consulting us first of all .
29 It is a universal characteristic of higher animals that they senesce ; that is , the likelihood of their dying in a given time interval , say a year , increases as they grow older , and often fecundity declines .
30 The integration of these systems followed gradually , and much later , when man learned to grow and store crops for his now domesticated animals that they might survive winter or drought at home .
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