Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 Recently , we have seen in the UK , in the Lindop Inquiry , not only a group of academics subscribing to the notion of a ‘ coherent academic community ’ , but also the government in its response accepting that the best safeguard of ‘ standards ’ lies in the maintenance of a ‘ coherent , self-critical academic community ’ .
2 The wild pitch sound was born , Mr Pierre proving that there was more mileage to be had in ‘ Essential Acapella Vol 1 ’ than most people imagined .
3 In addition , there may be statements from engineers or surveyors suggesting that the building is physically unsound .
4 undermine your opponent 's credibility by : questioning his experience suggesting that he is losing control negotiating to the point of his mental exhaustion
5 On 3 October , a certain Brigadier McLean wrote to the Director of Military Operations suggesting that the ‘ S.A.S. , L.R.D.G. and 1 L.R.S. be combined and that armour , artillery and infantry the size of a regiment should be added for seaborne operations .
6 Some environmental groups maintaining that the birds should be left to their own devices rather than being raised in captivity .
7 Most of the fragments detected by the ( T 2 AG 3 ) 4 oligonucleotide are very small in the Mbo I and Alu I digested DNAs suggesting that the telomeric repeats can be as short as 300 bp or even shorter .
8 Interestingly the clinical diagnosis of colonic carcinoma made at the first attendance was correct in four of five cases and incorrect in nine of 88 cases suggesting that clinical features are of help in this diagnosis .
9 The source of arousal is critical for a number of reasons , in addition to the considerable literature suggesting that arousal is not a unitary physiological dimension , there is the problem that in memory tasks an external source arousal may simply distract subjects while memory for an arousing item itself may be subject to von Restorff effects .
10 One theory is based upon aposematic , or warning coloration suggesting that the bright coloration of the clownfish acts as a warning to predators against approaching too closely to the venomous tentacles .
11 Professor von Hayek , a luminary much admired by the Prime Minister , writes to The Times suggesting that if attacks are made against the forces in the Falklands , Britain should retaliate on the Argentine mainland .
12 Marlin had been as solicitous as an erring husband since the attack , calling her from his office every hour or so , and several times suggesting that she might want to talk with an analyst , or at very least with one of his many friends who 'd been assaulted or mugged on the streets of Manhattan .
13 Now for instance using that A P I , I could write a piece of C code , a piece of Three G L , which could access the database as if it was local to my machine on the client .
14 However , to assert that there is a very great deal remaining to be said about the mutual effects of semantics and syntax may seem a bold claim , perhaps even a surprising one , given the number of those who have worked on both areas and the many publications with titles suggesting that the two have been linked inside their covers .
15 ‘ Knocking is certainly immoral , ’ says Muggleton , ‘ but without witnesses we have difficulty proving that the knocker boys have employed fraud .
16 In it we incredulously quoted a Guardian story suggesting that Bishop Auckland born Meale defending a tiny Labour majority in Mansfield bore a resemblance to Clark Gable .
17 Then followed a speech in her presence hinting that it was time Australia went it alone .
18 The quite complicated allowances for provision of expenditure based on different age groups result in almost no differentiation between authorities suggesting that considerable simplification would be in order .
19 In 1945 Ottawa wrote to Ira Dilworth suggesting that I be transferred to the general production staff in Toronto and the strength of his opposition and mine resulted in the postponement of such a move .
20 The experiments using indomethacin to inhibit cyclo-oxygenase activity would support the above concept , since indomethacin suppressed all differences between the three experimental groups suggesting that in the absence of normal prostaglandin generation , there is no beneficial effect derived from the dietary supplement with polyunsaturated fatty acids .
21 The danger of criticizing the appointment of particular judges was shown when in June 1980 a Belfast jury awarded £50,000 damages to a Northern Ireland county court judge for a libel contained in an article in the Economist suggesting that his appointment had been based , as The Times put it in a leading article , not so much on his ability but on the fact that he was a Roman Catholic .
22 In the same series of correspondence , General Smith wrote to General Ritchie suggesting that if he had an operation in mind he should consider using the Free French troop as there was a danger of them becoming stale after their period of intensive training .
23 He supported the Pope , of course , and sent his own embassy to the Lombards demanding that Desiderius remove his forces from the occupied papal cities , and comply further with the Pope 's original demands for Ferrara and Faenza .
24 However , the gradient depicted is not particularly different from that defined for northern Germany accepting that the relative displacement from Teichmüller 's curve can be attributed to uplift and erosion .
25 The Democratic incumbent , Richard M. Daley , was re-elected Mayor of Chicago on April 1 , with unofficial returns suggesting that he had received 73 per cent of the vote .
26 Unofficial estimates varied wildly , with some experts suggesting that as many as 100,000 or 150,000 Iraqis might have died during the war .
27 There is also currently much debate about the possibility of a dichotomy between explicit and implicit learning and memory ( e.g. Lewandowski , Dunn & Kirsner , 1989 ; Nissen & Bullemer , 1987 ; Reber , 1989 ; Roediger , 1990 ; Schacter , 1987 ) with many researchers suggesting that the acquisition of knowledge about even apparently complex relationships proceeds without conscious awareness .
28 Just send a cheque explaining that you only just got the letter . ’
29 I was less impressed by a news story in the Sunday Times announcing that the Pope is cracking down on sinners for Easter week : ‘ The Pope has ordered priests in the confessional box to clamp down on sin as churches prepare for the traditional Easter rush of sinners seeking forgiveness this week , ’ it announced knowingly .
30 In April 1974 an advertisement appeared in The Sunday Times announcing that ‘ Laura Ashley ’ was seeking a financial controller .
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