Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Ramsey asked the pointed question whether William Temple would have been able to write if he had been Bishop of London and not Archbishop of York .
2 And the memory that William Temple used to meditate in the garden was not trivial to him .
3 If the line of the Gallery was maintained then the exit to La Scala would have been equally off line .
4 Fernando Serra would wish he 'd never started this .
5 Fernando Serra could believe what he liked because nothing now could bring back anything remotely like what they 'd shared in Seville .
6 Fernando Serra could make all the threats he liked but he could n't stop her carrying on her business .
7 And also tomorrow , Alison MacDonald will continue her investigation into the tricky relationship between society and young children .
8 Giant Tortoise … a visit to the beautiful island of La Digue can be booked locally as a day excursion by ferry from Praslin …
9 If you wish , an optional day-trip to the island of La Digue can be taken .
10 A flurry of bangs hit the door and before Allan Stewart could shoot back the bolt gun-butts had burst through the timbers , the bolt and its socket tore the jamb away , and soldiers in blue coats and white breeches were stepping in across the wreckage .
11 Defending champions Puma Welwyn will be obviously doing all in their power to retain the coveted Vauxhall Trophy when they begin their defence in earnest against Hallamshire .
12 Sheffield Wednesday striker Hirst could go straight into the team as partner to Alan Shearer after a disappointing Wembley display by Arsenal 's Ian Wright .
13 Harold Laski said Beatrice Webb should have been a medieval abbess , where her organising ability would have gained a spiritual dimension .
14 It was almost invariably the same : halfway through any case Morse would be off on some improbable and complicated line of thought which would be just as readily abandoned as soon as a few more facts emerged .
15 Prime Minister Pierre Beregovoy will ask MPs to support a revolt against the trade agreement .
16 William Duffield will take pride of place in this sale of British and Victorian paintings with his ‘ Still life of a blackcock , a woodpigeon , a stein and a sumptuous display of fruit ’ ( signed and dated 1857 , oil on canvas , 112x142cm ) , which is estimated to fetch £30–40,000 ( $55–70,000 ) .
17 So it would seem that the ghost of William Terris will haunt Covent Garden Station whenever he pleases , but the object of his frequent appearances will remain a mystery .
18 Without the Rivas of the world , no ben Issachar would ever have been born to learn the arts devoted to my undoing .
19 Being treed by the great wonder-rabbi Shmuel ben Issachar might be written off as an occupational hazard ; being trapped — on an assignment officially aborted-by an undead amateur is unforgivable .
20 The elongated figures of Bartholomeus Spranger are well illustrated in his Resurrection , while the more etherial work of Hans von Aachen may be appreciated in his Annunciation of 1613 .
21 Sir Ralph Carr-Elison , Clive Leach and Ian Ritchie will join in executive capacities .
22 RAF Hereford will shut down because of cutbacks in defence spending .
23 Bernard Seyburn would be pleased to hear from anyone who may have served with him in Singapore .
24 If the foot Melanie could you give us of the Jenny in the plaster room ?
25 ‘ There Can Only Be One ’ is an epic and yet , spookily , restrained pop song , the sort of record Marc Almond would make if he did n't like shouting so much .
26 Having noticed this discrepancy , Husameddin suggests that the text of Ibn Hajar ought to read thus suggesting that a ( seven ) has dropped out of the text .
27 Cecilia Taylor would like all those teachers who have taken tickets for sale to let her have number sold as soon as possible and by 31st January at the latest .
28 If Jason Peake can regularly play as well as he did on his debut on loan from Filbert Street on Saturday , Pool need to sign him quickly .
29 Even if Bernard Stasi may be right in describing Jack Lang 's cultural policy as a ‘ spectacular performance played behind closed doors for the amusement of the prince and his obliging friends ’ , it will be a challenge to succeed him , the longest serving Minister of Culture of the Fifth Republic .
30 In the third division Hereford could have done with some luck … they went down at home …
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