Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 The driver sat drumming his fingers nervously on the steering wheel while the attendant busied himself filling the tank , checking the oil and radiator , and wiping the windscreen .
2 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
3 there 's a row of houses right on , by top
4 Many scientists were astonished at home that evening to see the faces of the two chemists appearing on the television as Dan Rather on the CBS evening news headlined the Utah work as ‘ a remarkable breakthrough ’ .
5 Christian Aid spends its money mostly on Christians .
6 Those poor Dutch people , it must have been awful having the Germans right on their border and no English Channel to keep them out .
7 Its activities enabled the Heseltine campaign to seize the initiative and sustain a momentum which kept its opponents mostly on the defensive .
8 He demonstrated this technique successfully on clients in front of the trainees .
9 As the women struck the lodges , a P scout signalled : ‘ Enemies right on us !
10 Well they 're taking all the power lines down in the village , or down through that part of the village which , fair enough , gets rid of the eyesore but they 're gon na put now a bloody big transformer , abou thing about seven , eight foot bloody tall in , in the field right on the Copper Dollar
11 And meant only for summer and early autumn ; no heating apparatus except the open fires , and a kitchen rather on a par for mod cons with my cottage at Otters ' Bay .
12 Striding away from the house , Carolyn stubbed her toe badly on a brick end and had to sit down to nurse it .
13 Cos you see if you put your ace down , ace of clubs right on the top and I put the rest of the clubs , put it down
14 Get this bit right on the back !
15 Before he saw Nicandra alone on the stand , he had noticed a different kind of tension ; it was in the bar , where Andrew was having a drink with Lalage , while now , he guessed , Nicandra would be getting the money on to Lalage 's horse .
16 Blooms wetly on her dress .
17 " What about , " Graham said , pointing one finger at Slater , who pursed his lips and tapped his foot impatiently on the fire-surround , " those people who like Barry Manilow and John Cage ? "
18 The argument rests in part on the pervasive nature of deixis ( see Chapter 2 below ) in natural languages , for sentences like ( II ) are true or false only relative to contextual parameters , thanks to the fact that I , now and the tense of am are variables given specific values only on particular occasions of utterance ( i.e. ( II ) is true only when spoken by certain speakers , those who are sixty-three , or true of individuals only at certain times , when they are sixty-three ) : ( 11 ) I am now sixty-three years old These facts seem to establish that truth conditions must be assigned to utterances , i.e. sentences with their associated contexts of utterance , not to sentences alone ( or , if one likes , truth conditions include context conditions ) .
19 The associative theory , on the other hand , predicts an advantage only on the first task , the associations being of no help , or perhaps even hindering , when symbols having a common associate require different responses .
20 The creator god Khnum is often depicted modelling man and Ka together on his potter 's wheel as through the Ka was a double of clone .
21 of all participatory sports facilities , unless we get more capital for our local authorities they will be able to spend money only on basic repairs ?
22 Before the end of the 18th century , this was confirmed by the Society electing to have three contests annually on the day of the papingo shoot — one each for the ‘ gentlemen ’ , the ‘ merchants and tradesmen ’ , and the ‘ boys ’ , with only the ‘ gentlemen ’ eligible to shoot for the papingo trophy .
23 Andrew 's a a little bit better on layout than me and I 'm
24 Okay you covered all that okay yeah erm I think the objection bit you could 've been a bit better on that one erm cos that was quite a sort of bad one , well you 're not too sure about sort of giving his name or his telephone number out
25 Finally , the false vocal cord theory is supported by the evidence of the simple action of placing your fingers gently on the throat of a purring cat — there is no doubt , then , that the purring sound is stemming from the region of the voice-box , and it is hard to see why any alternative theory should have been put forward .
26 By January 1957 , seven months after its establishment , the TBC was broadcasting six hours daily on weekdays .
27 To put it another way , both yarns knit on needles selected by the blanks , the cotton thread only on needles selected by the punched holes .
28 Can energy efficiency and a greater dependence on natural gas cut carbon emissions sufficiently on their own ?
29 They said that another friend would look after her , but when we went to see her a month later , she looked absolutely awful , in a field all on her own and full of worms .
30 the bank were prepared to pay for the business to be purchase only on condition that the home , that the family home was then sold and the proceeds were given straight to the bank , so with that eighty thousand pounds of equity in the property and the purchase fund for the business was about twenty five thousand pounds .
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