Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] you " in BNC.

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1 Right , now if you do n't interact right you 're not gon na get a result and if the customer does not interact with you , then you 're not gon na get a result , right , now if you assume that as you 're working your way through that appointment that your enthusiasm is passing across to the customer or anybody else who is in the room , right , right , but through that interaction right you 're working towards a result , now if you go and come out of that office , about his , with a result , you 'll know you 'll know what you 're getting next week or next month you got ta I mean the customer 's got ta be at the
2 For best results , do take time to prepare surfaces properly you plan to paint or paper .
3 If you wish to follow the same route successfully you will need a reference of some sort and the Ponzo C tutor is a very good source of information .
4 So there 's no water shortage as such , sometimes you get the water problems when you get out in the sticks somewhere you 'll , you , you do have problems , but all fire officers are trained to search their areas and have special cards er which they 've done their research on , where the water supplies are , like ponds and lakes and so on , and that information is readily available when they turn out these areas so that a fire crew going out there , your nearest water supply is a pond at and certain area and they 've got that you see .
5 If you act a part properly you do n't act it at all ; you are it , and you make it — you .
6 Yeah , yeah you got ta check this do n't you the B T so you can measure them .
7 No way well , well it 's a bit long you see , but it 's just
8 Well the minutes perhaps you 'll you 'll we will pop that on to our comments and others .
9 Because I mean , that , it , it costs the earth anyway , that damn stuff , it really does , with it , and it 's a , well I , I did it on about eight hundred sheep so you know , my men are stuck in this for a day or two .
10 Because if the garage did your car badly you would n't have any hesitation in in changing your garage and your body 's a darn sight more important than your car !
11 ‘ Sit yourself down and let's get some tea inside you .
12 You set the weight one sorry the weight , it 's probably it 's it 's hard to explain it like that , but you apply the decoder function F here F bracket to the particular tuple and you get a state J. So you set the weight for that particular state .
13 See the more winners you ride the less weight less you could claim .
14 Sometimes you are fierce and angry but it is all a cover for the soft innocence inside you .
15 What if there are several voices inside you , all waiting to be heard ?
16 Oh I know , w when we were going we , I stood in the gangway alongside you and I could see , as they were swaying , people were pushing onto other people who were sitting down .
17 I can usually tell by when I when I 'm doing a fact-find reply obviously you find out whether their erm position is , is erm simply building society or national savings investment , or whether they 've gone into shares or unit trusts or investment trusts , and you can see at what level they 're operating and of course if they 've still got their money under the bed , then
18 If you say something to me I check that I have understood your message by saying it back to you in my own words , for if I repeat your own words exactly you will doubt whether I have really understood you .
19 Firstly , jump up and collect the shield , then go left , jump on the platform to your left and then the platform on your right , grab the weight , climb the right wall and throw the weight on the switch , jump/fly up onto the block on the wall , go left and cross the gap on the swing , fly up two platforms and run right , go under the guillotine , jump up the pipe and collect a weight , walk left and fall off the last platform , throw the weight on the switch , go left and use the fly to climb up the platform , take the weight and throw it on the switch above you .
20 Go back to the lift and go up , carry the weight to the button and drop it on the button to start the swing , stand on the swing and fly up-right , collect the weight above you and throw it onto the button next to the swing , go back to where you grabbed the weight , go left , collect the weight , go right to the wall and fall down , throw the weight on the button , go up , left , up the pipe , collect the flower and go down the pipe .
21 Fall down , then fly up the pipe , use flying power to get the weight above you , go right , fall down , fall down again , go left to the main wall , jump up and throw the weight onto the button , go up the pipe , right , up on the lift and collect the weight , go left , fall down and throw the weight on the button , go down , right , up on the lift , left and up the pipe , go right ( dodge the guillotine ) and leg it to the door .
22 If you are the right weight already you could very probably still be healthier if you reduced your intake of saturated fats .
23 You p you should have played football yesterday you know .
24 When I came back from fishing yesterday you were beside me in the lean-to gutting the catch with me .
25 I mean yesterday I can never find my Visa card quickly you know what it 's like .
26 That is why today , some years on , at a Lloyd club near you , there is the opportunity not only to play tennis ( naturally ) squash , and racket ball , but also to benefit from the wider aspects of health and fitness via the clubs fitness facilities and aerobics classes .
27 leap in without looking at the detail of it , I think now the function heads namely you ,
28 BREATHE IN — Jon ‘ Fat Beast ’ 's ‘ Indie Variety Spectacular ’ is coming to a college near you .
29 I think so , just about , now put those slippers on Arthur , you 've got a cold coming now you drink it while it 's hot , that 's a good lad oh I 've put the pudding on now , so it 'll have to steam for about two hours at least two and a half
30 Now Tim er , you were a soldier now you 're a social worker .
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