Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 Often the pilot is lost and has been worrying for the past half an hour about where he is .
2 Given the prevailing views about where responsibility for curricula rested , these findings are not perhaps totally unpredictable .
3 It read in part : ‘ We all need a free exchange of views about how Socialism is to be continued in this country . ’
4 As before , these manifestos propound a variety of views about how to answer a single question .
5 Since nearly all High Court judges are appointed when they are between about 45 and 57 it is likely that they will have shed such political enthusiasms as they may have had when young and have formed firm views about how the country should be run .
6 The advisory teacher and Betty disagreed in their views about how a task might be presented .
7 I am also visiting the various sites over coming weeks and look forward to hearing your views about how we can work together to secure the best outcome for AEA and its employees .
8 The PR person is very often in a cleft stick between how he knows the media will react to his story and the sometimes almost mindless enthusiasm of his client or boss .
9 ‘ Everybody was full of conjecture about where we were going .
10 ‘ But I 've got two other reasons for why you should take that money . ’
11 There are good biological reasons for why it is so difficult to produce drugs that will knock out viral infections .
12 The race had started on a wet track — it is almost never dry for a whole weekend in Holland — and Hunt 's victory resulted from the finest sort of judgement about when to come in and change his wet tyres to slicks .
13 A legally-binding Living Will leaves little room for doctors to use their best judgement about how to help us .
14 Now loan redemption is a matter for the Government to decide ( at least as to minima ) , and presumably comes down to a judgement about how much the Government thinks that local authorities as a whole can afford to redeem in any year .
15 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
16 Asked why the interest in Elvis , Walken said that a girl he had a crush on in school used to carry round a picture of her boyfriend , and this was used as an excuse for why Walken could n't take her to his high school prom .
17 Broadening this analysis , we might note that there is considerable variation in different cultures about how the two principles of blood and marriage relate to each other , and therefore in the code of conduct upon which in-law relationships are based .
18 The funding councils no longer have the power , as they had in the original Bill , to direct institutions about how they should spend funds derived from private sources .
19 Using this approach , words gain their meanings through how they are used in context ( by iteration through a training set ) , such that each word in the lexicon implicitly represents all the language-use experiences in which it has so far been involved .
20 Write some short notes about where the stones have come from and how they have got their particular markings and colour .
21 So , darling , keep mum about where we are .
22 The economics ministry has kept mum about why it made its decision so abruptly , but most in the industry assume it is a first step towards rejoining an international quota system .
23 But a hundred pairs for how long ?
24 Such leases would draw upon all the expertise of lawyers , and contain detailed plans for how the land let to the builder should be built upon .
25 The initial dialogue too , includes queries about when you wish to retire and what you require for breakfast .
26 So the substance accumulates in the cell , and the amount that is there serves as a measure for how much glucose the cell is using .
27 Farmers and horticulturists use Weather Communications for information about when to plant or harvest , builders about when to lay concrete , and retailers about whether to stock up with umbrellas or ice cream .
28 Although there are disagreements about where the boundary between the middle and working classes should be placed , it has often been the case that manual workers are regarded as being working class , and non-manual workers as middle class .
29 That , at least is the assumption , but there have been disagreements about how well it works .
30 Although nobody really argues about what needs to be achieved , there are disagreements about how the phasing out of mental handicap hospitals should proceed .
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