Example sentences of "[noun] [be] women " in BNC.

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1 As most part-timers are women , it would be considered ‘ grossly discriminatory ’ to have ‘ a part-timers first ’ rule on redundancy selection !
2 Most part-timers are women , which explains why women have fared better in this recession than men .
3 Contrary to the rules of mainstream journalism , the people worth media coverage are women , children and manual labourers , and this should be reflected in training .
4 Fifty six per cent of the ‘ Look At Me ’ category are women .
5 MY GREATEST ENEMIES are Women and the Sea .
6 The interviewer ( let us say it is a man for ease of being able to say ‘ he ’ and ‘ she ’ in this case , even though most interviewers are women ) will expect to open the conversation and he has the task of explaining to the housewife , simply and briefly :
7 Yeah well cos you see they have to , most of their fans are women so they have to have female bodyguards cos the males are a bit rough with them but the women are really tough who
8 For , example , the majority of workers employed by Debenhams in Belfast city centre 's much hyped Castlecourt complex are women .
9 Increasingly the protagonists are women .
10 Indeed , more than 30 per cent of clients are women who are generally more successful as they are better listeners and tend not to rush at obstacles .
11 A higher proportion of the temporary than the total labour force are women ( 54 per cent compared to 41 per cent ) .
12 A third of the authors were women , while in terms of their childhood backgrounds , 25 of them were upper class , 21 upper-middle class , 15 lower-middle class , and 84 working class .
13 Most of the speakers were women and many had prepared lengthy and detailed statements of their views .
14 In spite of the party 's determination to promote women , it had the lowest number of women candidates : 24 per cent of SNP candidates were women ; 27 per cent of Tory candidates were women ; while the Lib Dems again scored highest with 33 per cent .
15 In spite of the party 's determination to promote women , it had the lowest number of women candidates : 24 per cent of SNP candidates were women ; 27 per cent of Tory candidates were women ; while the Lib Dems again scored highest with 33 per cent .
16 It revealed that the main examiners of food labels were women , particularly and those in the higher socio-economic brackets .
17 Seventeen subjects were women and 15 were men .
18 The subjects were women aged eighteen to sixty-five years .
19 The fact that many of the Free Presbyterian marchers were women and children suggests that they were equally sanguine .
20 After the 1984 elections , 17.5 per cent of the total number of Euro-MPs were women and , even among the British members , 15.4 per cent were women .
21 Second , there is a sense in which the whole area of kin relationships is women 's business more than men 's , in that women have a stronger commitment to and interest in keeping the structures of support alive .
22 For example , the voluntary agreement seems to protect young women ( aged 16–24 ) from cigarette advertising by requiring that no advertisement be placed in magazines whose primary readership is women in that age range .
23 What difference do you think it makes that three quarters of the news desk are women ?
24 ‘ While it is true the majority of sales staff at our 19 sites are women , we select our people purely on merit to offer our customers the very best in service and care . ’
25 Nine out of ten lone parents are women
26 Nine out of ten lone parents are women
27 The report also found that the overwhelming majority of lone parents are women , most of whom are divorced or separated ; single mothers are the smallest group of lone parents .
28 This is partly a consequence of the fact that the great majority of single parents are women and partly because such families are disproportionately working class .
29 The extent of family break-up means that divorced women must work to support themselves and their children ( 90 per cent of lone parents are women ) .
30 All Motor Safari 's instructors are members of the Driving Instructors Association , and the fact that two of the instructors are women proves that off-road driving is not primarily a macho pastime .
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