Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] now " in BNC.

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1 It is complicated by intrusions , where sudden squalls or now from the bay 's 50-odd tributaries causes local mixing .
2 What Jerison has done is to reconstruct the probable EQs of extinct animals that now exist only as fossils .
3 He 'd danced here on the same legs that now lay dead beneath him , while Sartori had told him how he planned to take this wretched Dominion , and build in its midst a city that would shame Babylon ; danced for sheer exuberance , knowing his Maestro was a great man , and had it in his power to change the world .
4 ‘ My sister Faye is a Type One diabetic — onset at age fifteen , with some past incidence of proliferative retinopathy that now seems under control , fortunately .
5 The Lowenstrasse area with the neighbouring Bahnhofpassage has become so popular with shoppers that now they call it " Shopville " .
6 The folly was a gift from the Sultan of Oman , just one of the many presents that now adorn the property .
7 Many statues were bolstered by struts that now appear unsightly , especially in comparison with unsupported bronze statues .
8 These include geochemical data that now cover the whole of the North Sea .
9 The doubts that now exist over costings will be seized upon by opponents of reform who continue to argue that the case for change has not been made .
10 One entry , elided with others in the published journals under the date 14 August 1948 , was in fact written on 31 October 1948 and in its original form provides far greater insight into the animosity that now existed between the two friends .
11 Since then international agencies such as ICRISAT and IITA have been undertaking further research on the more fundamental adaptations that now appear to be required ( Hudson 1981 ) .
12 Does he accept that the Government are reducing to fewer than 300 ships the number of vessels that now sail under the red ensign and that they have treated with utter contempt the red ensign , which has served this country well in times of peace and war ?
13 Of the non-QTS qualifications , the best known are those developed by the Royal Society of Arts and now administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate .
14 A lock of hair had worked itself loose in his wig and now hung over his forehead .
15 Here 's Pearce Crosby and now Collimore taken off him by Agnew .
16 For f— 's sake , Morrissey is nothing more than an enormously overrated writer of terminally dull pop songs and now for some obscure reason is regarded as the new rock messiah by every spotty , snot-nosed sixth former in Britain , as well as most of the English music press who should know better .
17 They have built up a list of people all over the world who have been sending them football songs and now send Beatles covers as well .
18 He 's arguably as dangerous as William Munny ( Eastwood ) , ex-hired killer and now broken-down hog farmer who comes out of retirement for one last job .
19 A band called Eric And The Good Good Feeling and a stint with EMI led up to the original UFI deal and now finally maybe Frankë 's time has come .
20 Fear often played tricks with my perception and now it seemed as if I was losing my grip of reality .
21 DAVIE PROVAN , in the past a favourite at Parkhead and now a radio summariser , wore the expression currently described as ‘ gobsmacked ’ when he entered the press lounge at half time .
22 John Taylor , Curator in the Department of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum and Nicholas Reeves , formerly at the B.M. and now Honorary Curator of the present Earl of Carnarvon 's Egyptian collection at Highclere Castle , have brought together objects and documents that trace Howard Carter 's Egyptian career up to 1922 and then follow the archaeologist into his retirement as consultant and dealer and finally death in 1939 .
23 yeah because ten to fifteen years earlier there was n't this amount of class consciousness and now you 're saying that bond 's completely broken down which I may agree with you on but , but they 're now organizing themselves purely on this hey we 're all friends now or s and we 've got ta gang together all seventy percent of us against the landlords which was n't
24 The fisheries developed off Greenland and Iceland , started by colonial investment and now protected from foreign exploitation , are helping to raise standards of living ashore .
25 I now know that the lady concerned was the then Mrs Randolph Churchill , later Mrs Averell Harriman and now the widow of that very great man .
26 Dr William Fore , former WACC President and now Visiting Lecturer in Communication at the School , said in a recent letter to delegates : ‘ The meeting promises to be a landmark , since it is the first time that teachers of communication in seminaries and schools of theology will have come together to consider their distinctive task in theological education . ’
27 During the Open Forum Gordon Graham , a former PA president and now editor of Logos , expressed concern that because of the United Nations sanctions against Serbia , British books were not reaching that country .
28 Jules had tactfully made himself scarce on the pretext of work to be done at the new salon and now , two days after his visit to Maythorpe House , Harry was at last able to unburden himself .
29 The vilification of a young man — with convictions for car theft and now working with young boys making prize-winning community videos — edged on violence .
30 He said : ‘ It is Britain that suffers when after losing their direction , nerve and now billions of our reserves , we have a Government with no policy , a Cabinet with no leader , a Chancellor with virtually no exchequer , and a Prime Minister with no ideas , no friends and soon no future . ’
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