Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] on " in BNC.

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1 All expertise in a particular technique or on a certain topic can be gathered together in one place , and the level of collective knowledge can then be ascertained , supported and made available .
2 There is a steady flow of applications both from students with educational experience at an appropriate level in the past and from current students either at other institutions or on non-modular courses at Oxford .
3 If that part of the journey from home to destination that lies outside the immediate neighbourhood can not be made safely and easily by bike or on foot , then the environmental and safety gains made inside neighbourhood traffic calmed areas are unlikely to be fully utilised .
4 I always used to pick him up when daddy went out in the morning on his bike or on the bus , pick him up and wave bye-bye , see you soon .
5 More expensive garages may have tiled pitched roofs , with gables either at the front and back of the building or on the side walls , allowing you to match the roof style and the finish to that of your house if you wish .
6 There are also management implications if there is more than one tenant in a building or on a floor .
7 The common law liability has been modified in respect of fires spreading from the defendant 's land by the Fires Prevention ( Metropolis ) Act 1774 , which provides that no action shall be maintainable against anyone in whose building or on whose estate a fire shall accidentally begin .
8 ( 2 ) Frequently reference is made ( as in the precedent ) to forfeiture being available on the breach of a covenant by the guarantor or on the bankruptcy of the guarantor .
9 A limited amount of post-production editing can , however , be carried out on the original recording , either on the camcorder or on a second VCR depending on the facilities available .
10 It is perhaps like being on top of a big wave in a canoe or on a surfboard , but to try to describe it is to fail .
11 An additional initiative available is to advertise the opportunity either in the Financial Times or on the Accountants Business Network ( ‘ ABN ’ ) .
12 It does , however , clearly reject any approach requiring first resort to the Convention , whether based upon an interpretation of the Convention text or on comity , as a blanket rule .
13 All the Government data are based on ‘ averages ’ , which do not give an accurate picture of the effects of a poll tax , either on local authorities or on individuals within those local authorities .
14 Write the word , on the board or on paper , perfectly legibly .
15 These cuttings need heat and humidity : arrange containers in a greenhouse propagating case or on the staging , covering them with a box whose bottom is replaced with clear plastic .
16 In a case where liability is not disputed or is resolved during the course of the case , either by an admission or on a summons for judgment , try and obtain some costs from the defendant .
17 While most of his contemporaries in the conservation world sit behind desks or on committees , Watson and friends race ‘ kamikaze ’ inflatable dinghies in front of Soviet and Japanese whalers ' harpoons or handcuff themselves to the seal hunters ' vessels .
18 As de Valois said in a lecture to teachers : ‘ It is better to have a rule to break than no rule at all if chaos is not to reign in the class-room or on the stage . ’
19 ‘ On the way up to Luxor or on the way back ? ’
20 Could we forecast the effect of the new road on traffic flows or on the price of adjacent land suitable for commercial or residential development ?
21 They also made a good point , that all timber-frame houses should be formally recorded as such either by the NHBC or on the title deeds , ‘ so that people realise they are living in a timber-frame house and can take professional advice when making alterations ’ .
22 A Senate committee , chaired by a respected Democrat , Millard Tydings , examined McCarthy 's list and found his charges unproven , but this made no impression on McCarthy or on public opinion .
23 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
24 So far as the issues of English law are concerned , it is , as Mr. Beazley fairly recognised , almost inevitable that these cases , in view of the very difficult legal problems and of the very large sums of money at stake , will , unless settled , proceed in the end , as did the Hazell case , to the highest court ; thus even if there was a prospect of irreconcilable decisions at first instance or on intermediate appeal , which I do not think is likely , the final arbiters in the House of Lords will be able to give one single decision which will be binding in both England and Scotland , and with no possibility of irreconcilability .
25 In order to equal the shares of the children , any sum paid by the intestate to a child by way of advancement or on the marriage of the child must be brought into account .
26 Will he further confirm that the consequences of the Scottish National party 's policies would be to deprive many hundreds of people of their employment at Rosyth and on the Clyde while still leaving Scotland at risk from the consequences of a nuclear attack on Barrow or on the north of England ?
27 O also thought , because of the man 's posture , and the huge overcoat in which he was wrapped , that he looked like a queen in a tragedy which O had seen , who in a terrible moment of despair had sat down , not on a throne or on the marble palace steps , but just right there on the floor .
28 The coin belongs to the Persian period , bears the inscription " Judaea " ( YHD ) , and shows a figure on a winged throne or on a chariot : this figure apparently confronts a Dionysiac mask ( B. Kanael , The Biblical Archaeologist 26 ( 1963 ) , 40 and fig. 2 ) .
29 When a movement called Christians for Socialism started in 1972 , they chose to have their inaugural meeting in Santiago and received a message from the President assuring them that ‘ Divisions today are not on the religious level or on the level of philosophic ideas : the real division is between imperialism and dependent countries . ’
30 Slightly further afield you can visit — by road , on foot or on horseback — the villages of Fischbach , Faulenfürst and Rothaus to name but three , and way down in the valley to the west is the main Black Forest town of Freiburg .
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