Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] that " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from potentially valuable entitlements under your contract , which are discussed in Chapter 18 , you may be eligible to claim a redundancy payment and/or that your dismissal is unfair .
2 It may be that they simply see no value in the building or that they are concerned that any use of the building might detract from their estate or business .
3 Blisters are a sign that moisture has either got below the felt or that the felt was laid on a damp surface .
4 Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint .
5 A dangerous species is defined as ‘ a species ( a ) which is not commonly domesticated in the British Islands and ( b ) whose fully grown animals normally have such characteristics that they are likely , unless restrained , to cause severe damage or that any damage they may cause is likely to be severe . ’
6 There was an unspoken fear that political figures could use the press , even papers controlled by the party or government , to their own advantage or that editors and proprietors could promote certain political figures by creating a good ‘ image ’ of them in the press .
7 Events over the next six months are likely to leave an imprint , and it seems a relationship is the catalyst for a major change or that a relationship is transformed from outside .
8 This is not to assume either that there has never been pressure within the universities for change or that the state is necessarily hostile to the collegiate model .
9 Where this is done it matters not that the pedestrians have n't put a foot on the crossing or that they have actually crossed and the offence can still be committed ( Gullen v Ford [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 24 and Connor v Paterson ( 1977 ) 121 Sol Jo 392 ) .
10 It can order the charge to be effective : ( i ) as against an administrator and liquidator , if it is satisfied that the inaccuracy did not prejudice any unsecured creditor or that no person became an unsecured creditor during the period when the registered particulars were defective and ( ii ) as against a person who acquires an interest , if that person was not misled by the unregistered particulars .
11 What is denied by the defendant and what is the issue of trial is that they deny that they were ever instructed by Mr er to save such a measure or that it would have been appropriate to serve them or that at any stage Mr ever asked to be advised on any way open to him to get out of the contract er as alleged .
12 First and foremost he maintained that a mistake of law would be no defence to the application of the principle but as alternatives he submitted that the principle would be subject to the mistake of law defence or that the defence of mistake of law should be abrogated altogether .
13 He denied knowing anything about a plan to abduct the driver or that guns might have been involved .
14 I did not say that the world was in a sorry state , that it contained no dangers or that there was in absence of sinister-looking developments .
15 There was no indication that they , unlike the aggro leaders , were actively engaged in inciting other fans to join in the scraps or that they led concerted attacks against the opposition .
16 Do the pages of ticks mean that Fred is a genius or that the work was set at too low a standard ?
17 However , there are various defences available — for example , that the parent took reasonable steps to comply with the direction or that the direction was ‘ unreasonable ’ .
18 ‘ … it shall be defence for the person charged to prove that he did not know , and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained , that the goods did not conform to the description or that the description had been applied to the goods . ’
19 In any proceedings for an offence under this Act of supplying or offering to supply goods to which a false trade description is applied it shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained , that the goods did not conform to the description or that the description had been applied to the goods .
20 We really believe in what we 're doing , we believe it has a meaning other than making money or that it 's a cool showbiz job .
21 Considering the relativism eating into faith today , it is hard to know which is more surprising — that so many people lose their faith or that more people do not .
22 Can he therefore confirm that either the Secretary of State has breached the security rules or that the excuse of national security has been used merely to cover the fact that the Government made the decisions on political rather than on military grounds ?
23 I 'm just wondering if it 's my teeth or that it 's just my blood that 's doing it .
24 Implicitly , there are two types of new entry , one with a secure customer base , and one assuming " speculatively " that business can be taken from other houses or that a suitable share of any incremental business can be obtained .
25 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
26 I would stake my life on it , ’ will not be able to claim either that it was a mere trader 's puff or that it was a mere statement of opinion .
27 It was the same hexagonal design as any of the thousands you can still see along the South Coast or that you suddenly come across in the wilds of East Anglia for no apparent reason until you realize that the fields you 're driving through were once airfields littered with empty Lucky Strike packets and B52 bombers .
28 He had n't known whether to put it down to the fact that she imagined he was being left outside the camaraderie of the brothers or that in some strange way she was laying claim on him .
29 The Bishop quotes , with approval , G. Bennett on spider webs : It is impossible for one who has watched the work for many hours to have any doubt that neither the present spiders of this species nor their ancestors were ever the architects of the web or that it could conceivably have been produced step by step through random variation ; it would be as absurd to suppose that the intricate and exact proportions of the Parthenon were produced by piling together bits of marble .
30 He was sitting beside me in the jump seat or that generally occupied by a second pilot because in those days there were no flight engineers on twin-engined aircraft .
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