Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] its " in BNC.

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1 Other criticisms of the Ridley ruling appear to show scant regard for the integrity of the retailer or its competitiveness .
2 Section 11(1) of the 1968 Theft Act provides : … where the public have access to a building in order to view the building or a part of it , or collection or part of a collection housed in it , any person who without lawful authority removes from the building or its grounds the whole or part of any article displayed or kept for display to the public in the building or that part of it or in its grounds shall be guilty of an offence .
3 Section 11(2) states : [ i ] t is immaterial … that the public access to a building is limited to a particular period or particular occasion , but where anything removed from a building or its grounds is there otherwise than as forming part of , or being on loan for exhibition with , a collection intended for permanent exhibition to the public , the person removing it does not thereby commit an offence under this section unless he removes it on a day when the public have access to the building as mentioned in sub-section ( 1 ) above .
4 Every Elf city was required to have a martial field where its soldiers could train and fight mock battles .
5 What precisely is being disclaimed or denied , the story or its possession ?
6 A signal may therefore be provided by TCR -β gene rearrangement or its RNA or protein product which is required for TCR -α gene rearrangement , but there is no direct evidence to support this hypothesis .
7 There were no absolute rules governing the succession to the regnum francorum or its division between royal heirs ; and precedents pointed in different directions .
8 Every lake has its kelpie or water-horse , often seen by the shepherd sitting upon the brow of a rock , dashing along the surface of the deep or browsing upon the pasture or its verge .
9 Bearing in mind the three loci of change described in Section 3.3 ( curricular , extra-curricular and infrastructural ) , we suggest that change or its absence can occur through a number of different processes .
10 We may argue about the timescale of change or its effects on our lives , but what is beyond doubt is that change , massive and fundamental , is taking place in the way we acquire , use and are influenced by information .
11 Although colorectal carcinoma patients had evidence of low serum cholesterol concentrations , no further lowering of cholesterol or its two major lipoprotein fractions occurred as the disease process spread .
12 The Question of Baptism or its Equivalent
13 She did n't need to read the manufacturer 's name to recognise the sleek lines of a Bang and Olufsen television and VCR or its matching hi-fi and CD player stacked on a long , low teak drawer-unit .
14 Community law itself clearly claims to override the constitutional arrangements of a Member State : ‘ The validity of a Community measure or its effect within a Member State remains unimpaired even if it is alleged that it runs counter to either fundamental rights as formulated by the Constitution of that State or the principles of a national constitutional structure ’ ( Internationale Handelsgesellschaft v. Einfuhr und Vorratsstelle Getreide ) .
15 Courses leading to qualifications up to and including A level or its equivalent are generally referred to as non-advanced further education ( NAFE ) ; qualifications above A-level standard as advanced further education ( AFE ) .
16 Which proved more influential for the Liberal party before 1914 , its policies or its leadership ?
17 Needless to say , it would be impossible to provide each buyer or its bank with an endorsed original bill of lading in time to provide the same bill to the following endorsee .
18 But Aeroflot , its successor or its 20 constituent parts-each of which may form the nucleus of a national carrier in the republics-are likely to need 500 new or newish Western aircraft to continue services .
19 Thus contempt is wider than simply breach of any of Parliament 's privileges but can consist of any conduct which interferes with the workings of Parliament or is likely to bring Parliament or its members into disrepute .
20 The court has no concern with the manner in which Parliament or its officers carrying out its Standing Orders perform these functions .
21 Section 13(1) provides that : To the extent that this Part of this Act prevents the exclusion or restriction of any liability it also prevents — ( a ) making the liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions ; ( b ) excluding or restricting any right or remedy in respect of the liability , or subjecting a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any such right or remedy .
22 However , the ambit of the Act is extended by s13 which provides that to the extent that the Act applies the exclusion or restriction of liability , it also applies to clauses which : ( a ) make " any liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions " , such as time limit clauses requiring notification of claims , or commencement of proceedings , within a limited time ; ( b ) exclude or restrict " any right or remedy in respect of the liability " , such as clauses : ( i ) excluding the right of a buyer to reject goods , terminate a contract or exercise a right of set-off , or ( ii ) requiring a customer to accept repair or replacement from the supplier ; ( c ) subject " a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any right or remedy " ; ( d ) exclude or restrict any rules of evidence or procedure , such as clauses : ( i ) making certificates of quality conclusive evidence that goods correspond with the contract , ( ii ) making one party 's record of a transaction conclusive evidence of the facts recorded , ( iii ) requiring certain evidence in order to obtain particular remedies — eg " no refunds without receipt " .
23 The Operators & Observers of the River Adige & Its Banks are running a second Green Canoe Tour down Italy 's second longest river from 24th to May 7th to make the local population aware of the environmental threats to the river .
24 Furthermore , when dates are suggested for changes in these forms , they are usually given , without comment , as the dates at which the changes took place in this standard variety or its unilinear precursor , and not the dates at which they might have taken place in some other variety .
25 The government needs some tax revenue to pay for national defence or its budget contribution to the European Community .
26 Moreover , the stochastic events in the model have no effect on the terminal position in either case ; the presence of noise or its magnitude do not alter the long run outcomes .
27 ‘ Nationally-developed Courses ’ comprise nationally-developed units for the whole course or its core components .
28 Changes in the use of a component or its source is handled solely through changes in the connector listing if new elements are not required .
29 The public was putting its money where its heart was , and at the off Desert Orchid was 11–10 on favourite ( though he had opened in the betting at slightly shorter odds ) .
30 Based on it management then devises a variety of systems to ensure that , from the employee 's standpoint , the top brass ‘ puts its money where its mouth is . ’
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