Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] but " in BNC.

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1 but my mum my but my mum 's a window cleaner .
2 My last one was eight pound summat but mine 's a variable speed reversible and all that
3 For a time he believed he had a vocation to be a priest himself but he reverted to a previous plan to save sufficient money to go to university .
4 A stronger version of the argument , not developed by Leontief himself but based on his theoretical foundations , is that the high level of productivity of capital may mean that in many instances it will be cheaper to use machines rather than people to perform jobs unless the wage rate is well below subsistence level .
5 The caryatids were sculpted not by Leoni himself but by Antonio Abbondio working to drawings by the owner .
6 Therefore when , in 1926 , the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry ( largely at the instigation of William Beveridge , one of its members ) recommended the introduction of a system of children 's allowances financed by the mining industry itself but with a hint that it might be accompanied by a reduction in wage rates , the Miners ' Federation was only prepared to accept the proposal if financed out of general taxation .
7 Yeah I might need them more mind you but yeah I suppose holidays would have to go yeah , I 'd go along with that yeah .
8 gee , grief , that 's six times as much , you 'd have to have something for brown stains would n't you , you could n't just use them er hand like , but , but is brown mind you but erm
9 The Pack does n't meet in Boulogne itself but at a small town ( une petite ville ) , called Wimereux , which is five kilometres north of le ferry port .
10 Now as I said way back at the very beginning , the greeting and appropriate sociability will set the scene if it 's too short or too long it will doubtlessly alienate the whole process but you can see the domino effect you but you can see the domino effect you
11 The final shattering of the delusion did not take place until the 1940s ; but when it did occur , it prompted not the abandonment of the system of the delusion itself but a further and almost incredible elaboration of it .
12 At at first glance I would probably decide I 'd I 'd actually enjoy the golf club one but I 'm sure it does n't pay as much money .
13 Okay so now suppose you have Florence as the first noun in T three and herself no do it the other way round , suppose you had herself as the first noun and T three Florence okay then you 'd find Florence does C command herself but it should n't
14 And strategies designed to bring out these problems do not cause distress themselves but merely bring out distress which is already present within the individual .
15 I love animals myself but everyone 's got to eat and there 's only a crust in the Sunblest bag now .
16 But Alu sequences are not transcribed by polymerase II : instead they are copied by the enzyme ( polymerase III ) that produces the specialised RNAs — ( ribosomal and transfer RNAs ) that are never translated into proteins themselves but participate in the translation of other RNAs .
17 Fair enough I must say I 'd have given it to Whitlow myself but it does n't really matter as far a Leicester fans are concerned as long as they can hold on here for another two minutes now .
18 The user of the vehicle is the owner of the vehicle or the person in whose possession it is under some hiring or leasing agreement ; this is often not the driver himself but the driver 's employer or principal .
19 In this particular case the client , who had a copy of the source code , could carry out error correction himself but , because he had brought the contract to an end , the supplier would cease to be liable for unremedied defects .
20 He had not been at Eton himself but when he played for the masters his volleying in the Field Game — the Eton form of football — was long remembered .
21 When in 1862 the general synod of the SEC removed the Scottish communion office from its primacy of authority over the English Book of Common Prayer he took the Episcopal bishops to court , appealing as far as the House of Lords ; he defended his case himself but lost the action in 1867 .
22 But er , your worships to do it by your colleagues until today because er Mr indicate on the application form that er he will not be in fact , operating the bar himself but it would be somebody else .
23 But er Your Worships the matter was adjourned by your colleagues until today because er Mr did indicate on the application form that er he would not be in fact operating the bar himself but that it would be somebody else .
24 To the capitalist , socialist countries would represent the situation where deliberate ‘ rejection ’ and ‘ reinterpretation ’ of social dogma is not widely evident , since the capitalist rejects the underlying philosophy of those countries himself but finds that its inhabitants do not .
25 I must say I 've only grown two maincrop this year , I 've been clearing some new ground and I 've just grown King Edward and Pink Fir Apple , I 've got the biggest biggest Pink Fir Apples you have ever seen bar none but I 'm coming back to you now Fred , I put to you a few minutes ago , your personal recommendations for the best three or four or five potatoes for the different cooking purposes .
26 This motion should therefore be dealt with by the committee itself but before it is , it should be considered by the relevant local authority industrial conference .
27 The deviance lies not in the act itself but is a consequence of the application by ‘ moral entrepreneurs ’ of rules and sanctions to the offender .
28 Thus , most economists agree that the key issue is not ownership itself but rather the severity of the market competition , or its substitute government competition policy , which the industry faces .
29 The central point is that by controlling the moving pictures of dissent , governments believe that they can not only minimize the dissent itself but also completely remove the major source of criticism .
30 The ‘ meaning ’ of the dream seems therefore not to have been implicit in the dream itself but to have come from the interaction between its imagery and Stevenson 's consciously controlled imagination — ‘ All the rest was made awake … ’
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