Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 mum , mum me and Aaron want some apple
2 When I took these two guitars into the studio to try them out , over the course of the first hour everyone and their cat called in and could n't resist having a go .
3 Thursday afternoon me and mum looked after Daniel and Benjamin , cos erm , a relative of Sarah 's died a week before and the funeral was Thursday , so , I said to mum yes I 'd go up and help her
4 ‘ I 've told yer lots o' times me an' Tommy finished long ago .
5 Well , I say that , but of course me and my sore back got up to all kinds of stuff .
6 Of course me and Ann were laughing Dave were .
7 you see , so , after that shop it came over the tannoy me and Elaine
8 Enough for this issue — happy knitting everyone and remember , a mistake is never a mistake , it 's a feature !
9 but my mum my but my mum 's a window cleaner .
10 As to the rest of his question then of course I and I suspect and perhaps I know that everybody in the house would urge Sinn Fein er to consider very seriously a positive response to the joint declaration .
11 I think they showed that one Christmas or something and were watching something else and we turned over and the instant we turned over , this girl wobbled across the screen , and my mum straight away switched it back on the other side me and me brothers right in the other room watching there .
12 When you had got to go to the emery wheel , you 'd got ta hold the things and emery wheel them and yourself .
13 Out of nowhere an amplifier , a Fender amplifier to be more precise , whistles pasts them and smashes into the concrete concourse in front of the hotel .
14 And when she whacked the rugs me and Annie used to sneeze on account of the dust .
15 And when I started putting on weight I and I 'm still putting on weight .
16 That the lover knows this and understands that love is a solitary thing , the value and quality of any love is determined solely by the lover himself or herself . ’
17 Modern Iran was largely the achievement of efforts of will on the part of two Shahs — Muhammad himself and his father Reza .
18 In the UK , the client must either be eligible for legal aid , or fund the action himself and risk not recovering costs .
19 My last one was eight pound summat but mine 's a variable speed reversible and all that
20 But the old man insists , and Hoccleve eventually confesses that his great problem is anxiety ( ‘ encombrous thoght ’ ) , and the Beggar offers to cure him , if he will unburden himself and listen to Reason .
21 At one time he was a sheep-farmer himself and , upon his deification , placed his flock in the heavens so as to keep a close eye on them .
22 Once briefed , the photographer should be left to compose the pictures himself and if he says something will not make a good picture his judgement should be accepted .
23 It is clear from the judgments in the Camborne and Barnsley cases that the disapproval of the reasonable suspicion test is because the court believes that it will have to view the answer from the perspective of the applicant himself or the public generally .
24 There are internal disputes which are resolved by a visitor who is not a lawyer himself and has not taken legal advice .
25 Its basis appears to have been that , although himself a master of one building trade only , like other leading master builders of the period he was prepared to build a whole house ‘ by the great ’ , performing the masonry himself and subcontracting the work of the other trades ; and he evidently built up a team of craftsman associates — joiners , carpenters , painters , plasterers — whom he called upon regularly in these circumstances .
26 If Adams ' mixed feelings were understandable , imagine the trauma for Stoddart , who bred the horse himself and was his proud owner until just 48 hours before the race .
27 For a time he believed he had a vocation to be a priest himself but he reverted to a previous plan to save sufficient money to go to university .
28 In every one of the cases to which your Lordships have been referred where such dicta appear , the source from which the evidence sought to be excluded had been obtained has been the defendant himself or ( in some of the search cases ) premises occupied by him ; and the dicta can be traced to a common ancestor in Lord Goddard 's statement in Kuruma v. The Queen [ 1955 ] A.C. 197 which I have already cited .
29 He was half tempted to call Penumbra himself and demand she come and collect this viper immediately .
30 It used to hurt me that an African who was considered good enough to hand the cement to the man to lay the bricks could n't get the opportunity to lay the bricks himself and become a qualified tradesman . "
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