Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He stroked the strings , and before the echo of them died , he said , ‘ Señorita me quieres ? ’
2 ‘ Of course them girls are fond of me ! ’
3 You can be a sex symbol when you 're sixty-five ; there are film stars like Paul Newman whom women still think are gorgeous .
4 I have given lands and privileges to get knight service , and kept my army in the field by contracts my forefathers never countenanced .
5 On the other point about local education authorities My Lords , er it is quite depressing , I was er visiting a local education authority only two weeks ago where they had a five point educational strategy for the authority , one of those points was to oppose at all cost erm parents right to opt out .
6 The palace was several miles from the Legation and every time they topped a rise my parents saw the whole procession spread out in front and behind .
7 I tried to get a better grip but to my horror my fingers began to run down the door like melting plasticine as I watched from my perilous vantage point .
8 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
9 Ropes my knees , lobbing fake boomerangs ,
10 I imagine that this would be a good finger exercise for resting concert pianists — after the first few minutes my digits were dead !
11 These maps my soundings make .
12 With Nathan on board my dogs move more slowly , and we trail off from the others as we climb up above the tree line .
13 I set those thoughts aside to peruse the direction my instincts led me to take .
14 I set those thoughts aside to peruse the direction my instincts led me to take .
15 Seventy seven P my shoes have got ta .
16 Er I , I was going in the evening you know , doing the tailoring class but of course my illnesses have stopped me doing all of that and made me realize I ca n't do it all .
17 We go two lads there with hardly any work on me and Jan are alright now we got a third person Graham has n't got much on and er Ri Richard 's scraping round for work , so of course my ears pricked up like so I thought , Mike sensed that I 'd looked up and he looked at me and er so I just looked back he said God , God had never invented a woman with small ears !
18 Especially from the sponsors , the journalists and of course my rivals .
19 Bad luck my friends — you are off there again , Meldreth is your journeys end , An ear to the teacher you must lend .
20 From Afdam I took the train to Dire Dawa and from there rode to Harar , through mountains that were beautiful and green after recent rain , following the route my parents had taken in 1909 .
21 As I kissed her there ( quickly , in case my parents were looking ) , I was lulled , and calm .
22 LABOUR 'S E.Murphy ( HAS March 16 ) typically misrepresents my comments on the recent Willington East by-election .
23 Faith my lords — how many crows may nest in a grocer 's jerkin ? ’
24 Did , even with the few times my parents have gone away , I 've never held parties , I may of had a couple of mates round just to let them kip over or something , come back I 've never , ever held a party , I would n't , I respect them , well I mean I would n't respect them make , every er penny they earned in the last fifteen years gone into that house , they 've had one holiday in that time and erm , gorgeous house , no its a lovely house , full of nice stuff as well , I , I , I would n't dare have a party
25 ‘ Whatever glory my ancestors had , ’ she continued , ‘ that is gone now .
26 " Silent Cal " , with his belief that " the business of the United States is business " , was a president whom Americans could trust .
27 Muhtarram whom reports state has never looked better represents John Gosden and will be ridden by Willie Carson .
28 I climbed fast for fear my fingers might freeze to the rungs .
29 As I climbed the steps my palms began to sweat .
30 While these days I am deeply engaged in computer-based research , I hope to continue in the future my interests in English grammar , literary discourse analysis , semantics and pragmatics .
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