Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] when " in BNC.

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1 While grass allows the foot to swivel when a player changes direction , feet often stick to plastic .
2 It appears to be contrary to what the Criminal Law Revision Committee and Parliament intended when they established " dishonesty " in the 1968 Act .
3 At last her opportunity arose when Collin Brooks , a friend of both Eliot and her own family , suggested that she apply for the post of Eliot 's secretary which had fallen vacant .
4 The opportunity arose when Michael Barry , the BBC 's longstanding Head of Drama , resigned in 1961 to join the new Irish television network , Telefis Eireann in Dublin .
5 A small opportunity arose when Lizzie came knocking at the door for the ceremonial delivery of two silver-bound shoulder sprays , one , a gardenia , the other an orchid , and a card which said : From Robert .
6 The Russian law on citizenship , adopted in November 1991 , extended that privilege not only to the population of the Russian Federation but also to those living in other republics who requested it , and the Russian defence minister , Pavel Grachev , made it clear that fellow nationals would be defended ‘ wherever they live ’ ; Vice-President Rutskoi called more directly for recognition of the Dnestr republic , and the Foreign Ministry intervened when it appeared that the civil rights of Russian speakers in the newly independent Baltic republics were being infringed .
7 His chest crushed when it smashed into the steering wheel . ’
8 In that case , the opportunity to earn remuneration arose when the appellant obtained the grant of a tenancy of a public house owned by and tied to a large brewery company .
9 Time to remember why she was here , she decided firmly , as she banished any crazy light-headed notion that Ven might be responsible for the way her heart fluttered when , looking at him , she found that his eyes were still on her .
10 No immediate statement was made on whether the death of Gryschenko would alter plans to continue when the race leaves Punta , bound for Fremantle , on 28 October .
11 Is a promise to give a wedding present binding when the marriage takes place ?
12 There seemed to be no consideration given as to how a management strategy would serve the processes desired , little attempt to anticipate possible outcomes or to arrange for specific progress points when reviews could be undertaken , nor to establish criteria against which a programme 's effectiveness would ultimately be evaluated .
13 Fig. 5.50 shows IR spectra of products formed when SiMe 3 N 3 is photolyzed in a matrix .
14 pollution , drug abuse , theft , murder erm the way you 're treated by adults , the way we treat one another , equality , no racism , violence , riots , everybody should have a right to an education , everybody should have the right to have their , their teeth filled when they need it , and teachers deserve more pay and more , it 's only for instance
15 Only eight minutes to go when Ken , ex Peterborough of course , was awarded the freedom of the Wanderer 's half .
16 They were celebrating with just 8 minutes to go when Rovers hit the winner .
17 Gascoigne replied within a minute with a close-range effort and as Lazio piled on the pressure in the second half they were rewarded with five minutes to go when Cristiano Bergodi headed home .
18 What will the Germans think when they arrive in Glasgow with players still fresh from a ten-week break in the Bundesliga and a legislative system which means that if any of their players has called off from this game they must not play for their club sides next weekend ? ’
19 Difficulty arose when Pecham in attempting to enforce reforming measures required sheriffs and others to act against the king 's own servants and clerks , but it should be remembered that , overwhelmingly , cooperation characterized this procedure in Edward 's reign .
20 As a practical joke , he kidnapped by car the socialist MP , Victor Grayson , who was due to address a Portsmouth meeting ; a similar plan to kidnap ( Sir ) Winston Churchill failed when travel arrangements were altered .
21 It is seen in The Facts to belong to the times in which the writer lived when he wrote the novel , when opposition to the Vietnam War , and to a President Johnson perceived as monstrous , took to the street-wisdom of a farcical obscenity .
22 Who does the heart hurt when it sees the unattended pair of shoes ?
23 Lalage asked when they were out of hearing .
24 Nitrogen dioxide , a reddish-brown and highly reactive gas , is mainly produced in the atmosphere from the oxidation of nitric oxide formed when fuel is burned at high temperatures .
25 PC Chris Eden said : ‘ It 's amazing how drivers ’ attitudes change when we ask them to look at the recording .
26 A partly-exempt business with branches outside the UK has not been allowed to include the value of overseas branch supplies when calculating its proportion of recoverable input tax .
27 It was the same when her Mum got when it happened to her they got her a load of new clothes and she was trying them on and grandad said hey get in here now .
28 Similarly , why waste time and money phoning when the only way you have been able to get your money in the past has been to call in person .
29 Like this : ‘ Try and make the house look occupied when it 's left unattended …
30 Comparison of quantitative data between the tw groups was performed by Student 's t test when normal distribution of the data could be assumed , and by Mann-Whitney U test when distrubiton could not be assumed to be normal ( serum and amylase values ) .
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