Example sentences of "[adv] seemed " in BNC.

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1 But , in those early days of her marriage , her father had merely seemed to be a deeply unhappy if somewhat eccentric man , whose small losses of memory were hardly noticeable .
2 Had perhaps seemed somewhat preoccupied …
3 The war has torn the scales from our eyes , and forced us to see things as they really are , and by the light of this clearer vision we have come to regard many conditions as intolerable which before had only seemed inevitable …
4 Since taking over as Brazil 's manager on 6 January , Sebastiano Lazaroni has attempted to pull off a transformation that has hitherto seemed impossible in Brazilian football .
5 But is n't this ‘ manhole ’ also a condensed image which , like the letter generally , fearfully anticipates engulfment in the return of those actual others ( ‘ outside evils ’ ) whose subordination , persecution , or exclusion has hitherto seemed to guarantee a sexual , racial , and national purity — women , homosexuals , foreigners ?
6 Financially troubled Marlborough , Massachusetts-based Sequoia Systems Inc says it is no longer looking for a buyer — it did n't get any acceptable offers in the first place — and is talking to minority investor Hewlett-Packard Co about new funding to get development its Precision Architecture RISC-based fault-tolerant machines back on the tracks : Hewlett has hitherto seemed doubtful about further involvement .
7 Indeed , Eisenman seems to have focused a searchlight on the underlying simplicity of what has hitherto seemed a complicated situation .
8 This is an excellent example of the way in which social definitions can subtly mould and transform the personal meaning given to sexual activity ; or indeed can make ‘ sexual ’ what had hitherto seemed acceptable .
9 Soon after the Shah left Teheran , the Iranian embassy in Washington was taken over by militants and by members of Zahedis staff who had hitherto seemed loyal to him and the Shah .
10 I had a thought for no-one 's but your ears , That you were beautiful and that I strove To love you in the old high way of love , That it had all seemed happy …
11 How easy it had all seemed then — how exciting !
12 It had all seemed so different at the start of the campaign .
13 It had all seemed part of the wonder : that it should have happened just this Jubilee summer .
14 In the old days it had all seemed worth it — she 'd enjoyed filling stockings and wading through a carpet of toys and dressing the tree and singing carols when they were little .
15 His smiles , his glances , his gentle intimacies … somehow they had all seemed to be pointing in that direction .
16 It had all seemed too much for Laura to cope with .
17 However , it had all seemed to be so very easy at first .
18 She stared at the people in the pool , who had all seemed to respond to the whistle and were looking at someone who stood at the poolside , someone obscured from Rachel 's vision by the attendant 's tall chair .
19 Roberts has long seemed one of the most interesting ingredients in Marsalis 's bands , a young guardian of the traditions exhibiting both the smooth swing of a Wynton Kelly and the crabbiness of Thelonius Monk .
20 The front runner has long seemed to be head injury , in which a microdialysis probe might readily accompany a pressure monitor and provide a guide to metabolic state .
21 But a great man , a potens , in Charles 's kingdom could quit the scene as completely as he had momentarily seemed to dominate it : if he died leaving only young sons , or no sons at all , or if he moved to another Carolingian kingdom , Charles might redistribute his honores as he put it , voluntarie — " in accordance with my will " .
22 But the conservatives ' influence has lately seemed on the wane .
23 He 'd already seemed to sense that she was steering him somewhere .
24 French-trained Lashkari , owned like Shernazar by the Aga Khan , had won the inaugural running of the Turf in 1984 but had not seemed at his best in 1985 .
25 A higher proportion of the CSW team 's notional ‘ elderly ’ time was devoted to work with people not yet clients , or ‘ not exactly ’ clients ( whether they were regarded as open cases or not seemed to be a matter of chance ) .
26 Apart from thyroid cancer it has not seemed that any illnesses could be detected and so the matter has not been pursued .
27 She had never known anything about that occasion ; her mother had never mentioned it — and had certainly not seemed to suffer any ill-effects herself .
28 It had not seemed like that at the time .
29 The night had been warm too , not just the daytime , and even after sunset the temperature had not seemed to drop much .
30 Whether the tape said to be in the possession of a national newspaper is genuine or not seemed last night almost irrelevant .
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