Example sentences of "[noun] to compare " in BNC.

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1 There is the prospect of some government funding to compare the underpinning knowledge of NVQs/SVQs at these higher levels with that demanded for qualifications offered by the CIB .
2 This gives us the opportunity to compare their results with MLC targets and actual results from recorded farms , before suggesting general advice on the options available for improvement . ’
3 It has been a superb opportunity to compare the varied football cultures .
4 One disadvantage of the departure from the planned scheme was , of course , the loss of the opportunity to compare the new pathway students with their colleagues continuing on a traditional course .
5 We had all gathered for Hamish and Tone 's traditional Ne'erday partyette ; a necessarily quietish affair during which people exchanged tales of drunkenness , broken resolutions and recipes for hangover cures , as well as taking advantage of the opportunity to compare notes regarding blank spots in the memories of any of the assembled penitents .
6 A further gloss on this quieter side of his character appears during Johnson 's own reflection in ( rather than upon ) Montrose — where he comments that he has by now had an opportunity to compare Scotland 's beggars with others he has seen .
7 There is no opportunity to compare income with capital to yield a return on capital figure which is typically used as a measure of a business 's performance .
8 Adam Smith believed that competition among capitalists would give the public the opportunity to compare the quality and prices of goods , so that producers who were inefficient or who charged excessive prices would be put out of business .
9 Since half of the original sample were women there will also be an opportunity to compare the experiences of male and female entrepreneurs .
10 This provides the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of the two major instruments of regional policy ( Regional Development Grant and Regional Selective Assistance ) with the financial assistance policies of the local authorities and many other agencies .
11 Since volcanoes composed of similar rock types are also found in a range of climatic environments they also provide the opportunity to compare the effects of climate on the rate and nature of denudation .
12 The Law Commission in their Report No 160 on Sale and Supply of Goods ( 1987 ) , recommended that s15(2) ( b ) should be deleted and instead a reference to the buyer having a reasonable opportunity to compare the bulk with the sample should be inserted into s34 .
13 Dublin may have a healthy homegrown vibe , but it wo n't produce a hybrid post-dance noise to compare with the messed up trance of , say , Happy Mondays .
14 In Reims during the early sixteenth century , visiting heads of state were often given wines of various growths from the Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne to compare with wines from the king 's own vineyards at Aÿ .
15 I could have had a contract to compare favourably with any offered to anyone at the club .
16 The sediments are well-preserved , enabling researchers to compare levels of water pollution with particular phases of the growth and decline of the City of London since Roman times , and in particular with pollution levels in the past 300 years .
17 Measurements taken from such a drawing allow a computer to compare axe shapes , and so also draw smooth and accurate reconstructions .
18 She decides to experiment and asks the computer to compare photographs of thousands of hands , with surprising — and frightening — results .
19 you could median split them at whatever the medium was and then you 've got two groups to compare erm because it usually looks quite nice if you 've got something comparative as well as looking at the average sort of , you know , pattern of responses on the questionnaire .
20 However , given that the policies adopted by the UK government and EC Commission were a quota and minimum import price respectively , it is necessary to derive appropriate non-tariff policies to compare with the policies utilized in practice .
21 Whatever meaning this image had had in Charlemagne 's day , Walahfrid invited his contemporaries to compare and contrast the miserly , heretical , tyrannous Theodoric with the generous , orthodox and merciful Louis .
22 Using these forms has the advantage of enabling the selection personnel to compare the applicants ' responses and qualifications quickly and easily .
23 NO Hollywood script writer could have conjured up a story to compare with the one Michael Galwey has produced and starred in .
24 Pressing the mode buttons together allows the user to compare the modified patch to the original .
25 The desk would have various microfilm viewing positions to enable a user to compare different items alongside each other .
26 To our knowledge , this is the first controlled trial to compare a polymeric formula enteral diet v steroids in the treatment of active Crohn 's disease .
27 One method attempts to compare the structures of teeth or limbs or some other feature of the extinct animal with living analogues .
28 However , the split-brain findings may not apply to normal subjects , and attempts to compare the relative effects of damage to left and right sides of the brain are notoriously fraught with problems .
29 Loughborough University has built a test rig to compare the new glazing , which Alpine is making .
30 There were no large cities to compare with London , but then London had no rivals in Britain either .
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