Example sentences of "people [pron] [adv] [verb] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 Small meetings , regular get-togethers of people who mostly know each other , are not so much my concern here , because they will probably run to an agreed format and be fairly self-contained .
2 The living room ceiling was hung with bunting , the kitchen smelt of roast turkey , the house was full of people who all knew each other intimately , the videos had been ordered and the sideboard was laden with drink and in fact everyone behaved just like it was a real family Christmas , except that Boy had sex with two other men in the bathroom , and they did n't even bother to lock the door because they knew that no one else there would mind , knew that they did n't have to hide what they were doing from the rest of the party .
3 Like tonight , faced with the ordeal of going to a grand dinner party with people who all knew each other and were far removed from her experience , she had acquitted herself proudly and well .
4 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
5 There was n't room for two good friends , let alone people who hardly knew each other , to work at the same time .
6 The Whitbread is a long race full of hardships , so it is unlikely that people who hardly knew each other would not have disputes and in the end form friendships .
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