Example sentences of "have [prep] be paid [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Any so-called ‘ saving ’ to the NHS of products manufactured by British companies would have to be paid for five fold by the British companies , and would show up five fold in our balance of payments , and would mean significant loss in taxation to the British Treasury .
2 ‘ I am not sure that the extra hours will bring in significant extra business , but staff will have to be paid for longer hours and security will become more of a problem .
3 The remedy of purchase from a third party , with the consequent obligation on the seller to pay the increase in the purchase price , is broadly similar to that available at common law , but , again , the express clause imports a certain amount of flexibility in the area of the price paid for third party goods ( for instance a premium might have to be paid for quick delivery to meet the buyer 's original timescales ) , and as to how closely their specification need resemble the original goods .
4 Because much of the Scottish game revolves around ball won at the touchlines , extra attention will have to be paid to this facet of play .
5 Present policies seem likely to yield too few extra jobs for the price that will ultimately have to be paid in renewed inflation or higher taxation of earnings and savings .
6 Gifts made within three years of death do not qualify for any relief and the tax will have to be paid in full .
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