Example sentences of "could almost [vb infin] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She could almost feel the electrical impulse of them , some challenge there that made her feel threatened … and yet made her heart beat a fearful tattoo inside her chest , recognising that danger was a roller-coaster ride and that fear was often closely followed by exhilaration .
2 For a second she could almost feel the warm slump of the hare 's body , and its weight when it swung from her hand , heavy and loose , as she carried it home by the ears .
3 She could almost feel the internal battle raging within her , and for a long moment could do nothing but gaze at the stage , torn between seeing it as a hostile no-man's-land and home .
4 He could almost feel the immense cluster of leather reins running through his hands .
5 She could almost feel the physical edge of Roman 's icy displeasure .
6 He could almost feel the hard unevenness of the ground under his feet as he spoke .
7 As long as her money held out and she did n't open her mouth , she could almost make the artificial history stick .
8 She could almost smell the rich fermentation of silage like there 'd been around parts of Ecoville , or the green alkali of the air-plants .
9 Presumably all this applies equally well to , to shops because I suppose you could link up the cash registers to some sort of stock control , so that you could almost keep a running total of what you , you have in stock as you erm punch the appropriate numbers up on the , on the till ?
10 This time he could almost hear a patient sigh coming down the telephone .
11 Folly could almost hear the expansive gesture as her mother manfully swallowed her doubts .
12 A long sash window framing a view down , far below , to where she fancied she could almost see the floodlit Verdala Palace and the Buskett Gardens , where the Mnarja would flow on until dawn …
13 Oh yes , erm you know , having been brought up w in a you could almost say a quarrying atmosphere that 's the right er expression but erm I mean one knew what w went on in the quarry you know .
14 She grabbed her mug of tea , gripping it in both hands and staring down into it with an expression of such misery that one could almost imagine the dead girl 's face reflected in the surface of the liquid .
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