Example sentences of "could n't [verb] [pron] eyes [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Try as she might , she could n't stop her eyes from straying back in his direction time and time again , and every time they had it was to see that same unfathomable look on his face .
2 Mike took one look at her furious face , and Ace 's flabbergasted one , and put up a hand to hide his mouth , but he could n't stop his eyes from dancing with amusement .
3 She could n't take her eyes off it .
4 He ate so swiftly that Libby could n't take her eyes off him ; she remembered all they were told about behaving properly and eating slowly .
5 She could n't take her eyes off the livid scratch on his nose .
6 Bernice could n't take her eyes from the tall woman , and realized that her companions , too , must have been staring .
7 There was this rather famous instance where he had to scrub the floor while Pamela and I were having a long and involved discussion , but I was told that people could n't take their eyes off him .
8 ‘ They could n't take their eyes off the dancers .
9 Defries , Daak and Ace could n't take their eyes from it as the shuttle took them inexorably towards it and it grew across the window .
10 As Janet Baker , the singer , wrote , about going to hear her colleague Lena Horne perform : ‘ We could n't take our eyes off her , she has the charisma , the beauty , which comes from great discipline ’ ( Full Circle , Penguin , 1984 ) .
11 I could n't take my eyes of her .
12 The little kid wanted to be an anti-star , and I could n't take my eyes off him .
13 When her Mum undressed her to try it on I could n't take my eyes off the lovely white underclothes she wore .
14 I could n't take my eyes off her as she swivelled to rinse the mud from her legs , then flexed her arms , swept back her hair to shake it , and the motion rippled through her body .
15 I could n't take my eyes off him at the office and five o'clock was such a wrench — all those hours before I would see him again .
16 He could n't take his eyes off Zambia 's stomach which was revealed quite plainly as SHe sat up in bed .
17 And her husband could n't take his eyes off her .
18 Major Nogin was looking expectantly towards our table and Ralph Pike could n't take his eyes off the major .
19 Tommy , who was accompanying them on the mouth-organ , noticed that Charlie could n't take his eyes off Rose the barmaid who , although on the wrong side of thirty , never stopped flirting with the young recruits .
20 Coffin could n't take his eyes off it .
21 He just looked at Mr. Mendez , though you could n't see his eyes in the shadow of his hat brim .
22 Having a strong personality , she had battled her way into the medical profession and convinced many doctors by demonstration that at the very least they could n't shut their eyes to the possibilities of her treatment .
23 In the other corner , Carmella had her hand in Joey 's , who , as usual , could n't keep his eyes off Noreen .
24 We sat down then and all the time he was eating Frankie could n't keep his eyes off her or the things that surrounded him .
25 He could n't keep his eyes off Ace .
26 It was true , I could n't keep my eyes from sprinting up her slim ankles , and fell-walking the contour lines of her sharp shoulders and her breasts , breasts that were improbably close to her scenic collar bone .
27 for those first few weeks we could n't keep our eyes off each other .
28 The Special Branch man could n't believe his eyes as all our clobber went into the plane at Elstree .
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