Example sentences of "could [adv] come [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But changes in the home could also come about through the affairs of other family members .
2 Er Moderator er there is n't any reason in principle why this sh should n't happen that er this subject could n't come up at the presbytery clerks conference .
3 Pleat had the chance to follow the same path trod by Terry Venables at Tottenham but could n't come up with the necessary funds for a stake in the struggling First Division outfit .
4 Kohler said : ‘ I offered David the chance to come in with me in a partnership but unfortunately he could n't come up with the necessary amount . ’
5 I only began to smell a rat when he could n't come up with the documents he claimed to have .
6 A MAJOR business safety conference is taking place in Spennymoor next month because Darlington could n't come up with the cash .
7 Er you know erm the letter , the reply went back from Dave saying that every you know , possible thing was done to get bilingual staff but at the end of the day you know they could n't come up with the goods .
8 I guess he heard Barbara and me discussing the good time we had with you , and he kind of picked up on it , and he wondered why he could n't come down to the Bahamas and isolate himself from drugs .
9 ‘ We just could n't come out with the key hits .
10 There is an old-fashioned quality to these performances which leaves me wishing for something just a little less well-upholstered , although I can imagine anyone coming to Bach for the first time with this recording could well come away with the impression that old LEAVES is quite simply the ‘ bizz ’ , and I for one would not wish to argue with that !
11 In other words , I C I , Ingaselectric , A E I , all the big firms , all the er coal mines , all the British Rail , well British Rail in those days , and these large firms trained large numbers of apprentices and then after the five years they tipped you out , I 'm sorry I 'm going back a long while , into what they call an improver status and then you could either come back to the firm or you could go , stay where you were .
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