Example sentences of "some degree [prep] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 It would be unreasonable to expect easy co-operative motion along the entire polymer chain , but as there is normally some degree of flexibility in the chain , local segmental motion can take place more readily .
2 In the countryside the timing of feasts , festivals , fairs and wakes was determined largely by the farming calendar and there was a degree of integration between the rhythms of work and those of leisure , leading Thompson to suggest some degree of anachronism in the use by historians of the word " leisure " .
3 It was reported that Samater , the outgoing Prime Minister , was reappointed only after the failure of efforts to bring into the post someone from the Issak tribe , whose appointment could suggest some degree of reconciliation in the civil war .
4 Although the number of dementing elderly people was very small , the researchers concluded that , although these clients posed particularly great care problems , ‘ there was some degree of success in the establishment and maintenance of care and reduction of risk through a more structured approach ’ ( Challis , 1988 ) .
5 The attempt to build a broad Jacobite alliance of disaffected Whigs and Tories around Country principles met with some degree of success in the early 1690s .
6 In fact , even a duckling raised by a farmyard hen goes ‘ quack ’ , rather than ‘ cluck ’ , maybe occasioning some degree of confusion in the hen house !
7 Some degree of collaboration in the Malimbus was predictable from comparative studies of other avian families where collaboration in incubation and rearing associate with K conditions .
8 This being so , there is some degree of arbitrariness in the division of issues between this and the previous chapter , and there will also necessarily be some overlap .
9 Thus , there is some degree of selfdetermination in the ship case because we are free to shut our eyes , to cross the river and see it move from right to left , free to jump into the water and watch it coming towards us , free to determine the speed with which it passes across our visual field by moving our eyes with or against its movement .
10 Departmental libraries have had some degree of autonomy in the past , and copies of theses could be found in the departmental libraries in Geology ( for geology , geochemistry , palaeontology , mineralogy , and geophysics ) and Geography ( physical geography , geomorphology , soils , etc . ) .
11 If the federal government were allowed to levy an income tax , there would always be a risk that it would move towards introducing some degree of progression in the tax structure ; and this would automatically cause a large redistribution of resources between the richer and poorer republics and provinces .
12 Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then , naturally , public expenditure is bound to rise .
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