Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb infin] [pos pn] eyes [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two acting notes for Frank : Less is more — do not shift your eyes at the audience so much , stare them down once every scene ; when in doubt about what to say next do not keep ad-libbing about Harry .
2 In conversation , people do not fix their eyes on you and make notes : they are informal and natural , while talks are set piece , formal occasions .
3 The four-foot-long nozzle is heavy for me and hard to hold level , but I do not take my eyes off the spider .
4 But do n't take your eyes off those Australians .
5 ‘ Do n't any of you move an inch from here and do n't take your eyes off those bundles .
6 Do n't strain your eyes by putting up with poor lighting .
7 And the names on the score sheet , do n't rub your eyes in disbelief when you see the morning paper , they are and .
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