Example sentences of "one of [art] series of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 His own practice , as recorded in one of a series of articles which appeared in the Manchester Guardian in October and November 1930 * by one of the pupils who attended the evening classes he held there once a week between 1925 and 1927 , was from a drawing to make a careful sketch in various hades of one colour , obtaining in this way the construction of the picture and the suggestion for various tonal values .
2 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
3 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
4 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
5 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
6 Renoir 's La Parisienne , ‘ The Blue Lady ’ is one of a series of masterpieces by the French Impressionists and Post-Impressionists bequeathed by the sisters Gwendoline and Margaret Davies , grand-daughters of a Welsh coal magnate
7 Mooring ships off the coast to accommodate low security prisoners was ‘ one of a series of options ’ under consideration , a spokesman said .
8 The approaches made in 1759 by the Danish government to the United Provinces for the creation of a maritime union to defend neutral rights were only one of a series of proposals for some anti-British combination of this kind which culminated in the Armed Neutrality of 1780 .
9 Indeed , it is ironic that the case of McCann was itself one of a series of cases intended to reduce sentencing levels on the part of lower courts .
10 This drill is one of a series of exercises designed to increase flexibility in the shoulders .
11 He is one of a series of Scholars in Residence who have run courses there since Schumacher College was started two years ago , with the support of the Dartington trustees , by Satish Kumar , the ever-busy founder of the Small School in north Devon , and editor of Resurgence magazine .
12 That is only one of a series of incidents in the CAA 's files where conflicting transmissions have led to dangerous situations .
13 I was back to visit it because Ben Tee , via the falls , was one of a series of outings I was proposing for a book of Lochaber walks , and despite all my nosing about I was not prepared to describe things without another visit .
14 The Centre for Policy Studies was only one of a series of institutions which now began to churn out papers , briefings , and a stream of serious young advisers in dark suits who saw it as their role to steer the party away from the errors of its past ways .
15 This squared up modello , which reveals unusual cut-and-paste revisions , was a design for one of a series of frescoes in Assisi .
16 Rating scales are a subset of questionnaires which invite informants to select a number corresponding to the extent of their response , or to select one of a series of descriptions , usually corresponding to an ordinal scale with a neutral midpoint , to which the investigator can easily assign numbers .
17 branching to one of a series of actions depending on a numeric value
18 But the real decisions will come in June , at one of a series of meetings held under the auspices of the World Administrative Radio Conference .
19 A further example of the alienating effect national anti-nuclear protestors had on local people was provided by the DUC 's Ralph Shepherd when he described one of a series of meetings organized by the DUC to which anti-nuclear groups nationally were invited :
20 It was one of a series of meetings held in the works canteen .
21 One of a series of motifs available from Craigie Carpets in 100 per cent pure new wool , it measures 1.2 m sq and costs about £830 .
22 Fujitsu Ltd has come out with a new multimedia multiplexer in its DMIX series , one of a series of multiplexers designed for its Network Solution 2000 network architecture : the new E-2570 DMIX has a capacity of 10 data channels and six speech voice channels , and comes between the large capacity E-2570 DMIX and the compact E-2300 series Compact MUX ; Fujitsu expects to sell 5,000 units over three years , starting in June , at a price of $73,000 ) ; the E-2500 series DMIX and E-2300 series Compact MUX were released in September last year and Fujitsu says by the end of last month , sales to 100 companies had been made .
23 The committee 's chairman , the Labour MP Robert Sheldon , said the discrepancy was very worrying and one of a series of mistakes in Whitehall .
24 The normal debenture , however , is very different from a single mortgage of land. , It generally consists of one of a series of securities ranking pari passu with each other .
25 The task is for the speaker to select and describe one of a series of items so that the listener is able to identify the chosen item from an identical set .
26 Use of plants to monitor heavy metals in freshwater is one of a series of booklets detailing recommended methods for determining the quality of water and associated materials .
27 He was commissioned to write one of a series of monographs on the settlements of Roman Britain , and he took the almost completed text with him when he left England .
28 Trading standards officers in Hereford and Worcester area recently seized 4,500 bottles fake Calvin Klein Obsession and also Giorgio 's Beverly Hills fragrances in one of a series of raids .
29 It 's one of a series of pieces ‘ featuring compositional surveying , whereby physical characteristics and statistics form the basis of a piece 's musical realisation …
30 Thus , the Guideline on Evaluation , one of a series of Guidelines produced by The Library Association 's Sub-committee on Training , goes into considerable theoretical analysis , but its practical conclusions are limited and somewhat pessimistic :
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