Example sentences of "up all [prep] the [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 So I go back and I 'm standing in the doorway , and there 's this kid on the bed and he 's thrown up all over the cover and now he 's starting to shake .
2 following the Robbins Committee Report in 1963 new universities sprang up all over the country and tertiary education in general was in a state of unexampled euphoria .
3 It 's one of hundreds being put up all over the country and residents say it was put there without planning permission or consultation .
4 People will puke up all over the place and since it 's your fault , you 'll have to clear up the mess .
5 They 're growing up all over the place and as you say , Ernie he he he did say about education but whose gon na run education in the future same as social services , you 'll soon find they 'll social services up into the health service .
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