Example sentences of "as a kind of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 McHale points out that ‘ a character 's knowledge of his own fictionality often functions as a kind of master-trope for determinism — cultural , historical , psychological determinism , but especially the inevitability of death ’ ( 123 ) .
2 I 'll tell you what else you can do ; you can make half a dozen or so of those currant buns of yours and take them with you on Saturday as a kind of present for the lady . ’
3 ‘ Well , whereas the rest of the passengers were basically gearing up to tear my girlfriend and me to bits if we continued to go the way we were going — you get a kind of cabin fever on these flights between Australia and England — this Christian and his wife decided to adopt us , I guess as a kind of test for themselves .
4 Nevertheless Rolle concludes this chapter with a song which acts as a kind of rite of passage — an enabler for the reception of this gift .
5 It is the symbolic violence of the teenager on the terraces , which spills over into the odd affray with visiting gangs that is more typical than the premeditated violence of disturbed or habitually aggressive individuals , who see football as a kind of arena for serious assault with little risk of arrest .
6 I think erm that sometimes the fact that children have moved to a school where they have a timetable which has got subjects written down on a piece of paper , and the fact that they bring homework back with them and parents can see work in exercise books , sometimes that acts as a kind of reassurance to parents that something is going on which they recognise as education .
7 A a as you and various other people likely said erm a lot of people regarded it as a kind of act of erm racial er disloyalty I 'm not bothered about what race I am , I 'm just bothered about the truth , and the truth is that I think erm Moses was not Jewish well who 's to know , who 's to know erm as I said it 's a fascinating book and if , if you like that kind of detective story approach to history , you , you might , you might enjoy reading it , erm there are , i it raises a lot of other issues , many of which I 'll talk about in the , in the lectures , so I , I wo n't waste time say repeating it all here .
8 The expression the frog 's boon was also used by the old horseman in another way that is worth recording : it was heard as a kind of metaphor for ‘ being in control ’ .
9 Irigaray goes further , exalting the metaphor of homosexuality as a kind of anti-difference into nothing less than a far-reaching theory of patriarchal society .
10 Later , and also accidentally , they were found to damage and destroy living tissues , so they were applied as a kind of cautery to ulcerating cancerous growths as well as to other conditions such as inflammations and tuberculosis .
11 She was aware , too , that certain couples tend to acquire single men like Preston , or women for that matter , like pets , almost as a kind of catalyst for their own uneasy , brittle relationships .
12 Within any one cell of an organism , it is likely that components of the pathway are used to detect multiple signals , Ras acting as a kind of turnstile through which the signals must pass .
13 All his early interests in music and the theatre , even his puppets ( if manipulating them is thought of as a kind of preparation for choreography ) came together in this new activity .
14 Of the pole there is no sign , but it was originally so constructed as to act as a kind of lever in order to minimise jolting on rough surfaces .
15 The world itself is presented as a kind of self-projection of Geist , in which it brings itself into being as Nature , and so as over against itself ( thesis and antithesis ) .
16 The demands of the king upon the realm for sacrifices and contributions towards the war effort would have been much less effective even than they were , had not the church acted as a kind of ministry of information and propaganda .
17 The Polytechnic enclosed a small square garden which the architect had seen as a kind of cloister for scholarly pacing .
18 Should we regard music as a kind of anaesthetic for weary executives so that we can opt out a warm bath of string sound ?
19 Camus 's L'Etranger ( 1942 ) is also marred ( at least for Robbe-Grillet ) by the unwelcome intrusion of a ‘ metaphorical ’ vocabulary in the second part of the novel : in his landmark essay ‘ Nature , Humanisme , Tragédie ’ ( 1958 ) and in Le Miroir qui revient , Robbe-Grillet had condemned this unfortunate lapse from ‘ le degré zéro de l'écriture ’ almost as a kind of betrayal of modernism , and as deficient in phenomenological terms by establishing a complicity between man and the world .
20 Consider it as a kind of insurance for the odd times when you are not losing weight quite as you should .
21 Did your husband , or did he not , complain that the houseboat Grace , apart from being damp , needed extensive repairs , and that it was difficult if not impossible for you to resume any meaningful sexual relationship when your cabin acted as a kind of passageway with your daughters constantly going to and fro to gain access to the hatch , and a succession of persons , including the milkman , trampling overhead ?
22 Enoch Powell later cited this indication of my position as a kind of pledge from which , when events turned out as they did , I should have had the whole Cabinet 's leave formally to withdraw .
23 Pollock puts on his paint-spattered boots — that appear as a kind of homage to Van Gogh — and then he starts to walk around the umprimed canvas laid out on the earth .
24 Many of the theories may be taken as a kind of realignment of astronomical perspectives ; a process of taxonomic refinement .
25 As a kind of amalgam of a Ministry of Justice ( dealing with the rights of the individual ) and a Department of the Interior ( responsible for internal order and the integrity of the state ) , it would hardly be surprising for the Home Office to show symptoms of schizophrenia ; it controls immigration , prisons , and drug abuse , for example , in addition to carrying responsibility for the Metropolitan Police and the Special Branch , and all these activities depend heavily on collecting and using personal information .
26 There was also a small working-class and youth element attached to the IFL , some of whom acted as a kind of precursor of the skinhead and football hooligan types later attracted to the National Front and British Movement .
27 In fact St Andrew 's House will act as a kind of brokerage for grant applications .
28 People often think of Christian morality as a kind of bargain in which God says , ‘ if you keep a lot of rules I 'll reward you , and if you do n't I 'll do the other thing . ’
29 He is believed to have acted as a kind of broker for that dangerous spy-ring that was broken up in Holland last year .
30 In higher organisms one prime function of this system is the maintenance of consciousness as a kind of screen upon which both novel information and the background presentational continuum can be projected .
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