Example sentences of "can be regarded [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The model is graphical in form and can be regarded as a curved surface with a pleat forming a cusp where the two fold lines meet — hence its name .
2 Each vertex can be regarded as a triangular pyramid with a base to edge ratio of π .
3 Although the employment of such terms can be regarded as a distinctive feature of fabliau language , there are several fabliaux which treat of sexual adventures even in a bawdy way without using this language .
4 If section 6(2) is interpreted in this way , the liability of the contravener can be regarded as a primary liability ; the liability of the responsible third party is an accessory liability .
5 However , it is clear that , as discussed above , an express warranty is in the interests of both parties , so that , provided the guarantee grants what can be regarded as a reasonable remedy under the particular circumstances of the contract , no problems under s 3 of the UCTA should arise .
6 Duration can be regarded as a first-order measure of interest rate risk : it measures the slope of the present-value profile .
7 Give-aways such as book matches , note pads , pens , pencils , diaries , calendars and stationery , can be regarded as a good investment if they promote the good image of the establishment .
8 Similarly ANZUS can be regarded as a political treaty , but the Vienna Convention does not categorise treaties .
9 It may be argued , though I think with difficulty , that there is no important difference between the modern welfare state and the nineteenth-century ‘ night watchman ’ state , in so far as it is still an instrument of bourgeois domination ; or that the welfare state — involving a high level of government intervention in the economy , the provision of extensive social services and a considerable degree of national economic planning — corresponds with a new stage in the development of capitalism , which may be called ‘ organized capitalism ’ ; or finally , that the welfare state is a particular stage in a general trend toward collectivism , inspired mainly by the labour movement , and from this aspect can be regarded as a transitional stage on the way to socialism .
10 But it would not count as a non-branching hierarchy ; branching can be regarded as a canonical feature of a taxonomic hierarchy .
11 Indeed for any particular finite value set it will be possible to give a complete finitary rule based on the fact that , since any program only contains finitely many variables , it can be regarded as a finite state machine ( with a huge umber of states ) .
12 In some ways the dismissal of a single light source can be regarded as a natural consequence of the dismissal of a single viewpoint .
13 How far the EC can be regarded as a common labour market , or will develop into one in the foreseeable future , remains an open question .
14 A lossless transmission line can be regarded as a multiple-section low-pass filter with sectional inductance and capacitance and respectively .
15 The firm must be satisfied that the client can be regarded as a corporate finance client .
16 There are no specific tests to enable the firm to be ’ satisfied that the client can be regarded as a corporate finance client ’ .
17 The general approach of the Firm in interpreting the ICAEW rules as to being ‘ satisfied that the client can be regarded as a corporate finance client ’ is that consideration must be given to the client 's knowledge and experience appropriate to the specific activity to be undertaken — ie both the investment activity for which we are advising and the business activity in which the target operates .
18 Convexity , on the other hand , can be regarded as a second-order measure of interest rate risk : it measures the curvature of the present-value profile .
19 RIGHT Religion can be regarded as a primitive attempt to explain scientifically all the phenomena around us .
20 Platelet aggregation , or platelet-platelet stickiness , can be regarded as a special case of platelet adhesion and follows adhesion of platelets to injured surfaces .
21 It has been suggested that there are three theoretical approaches to regimes binding erga omnes : they can be regarded as a special concept within the law of treaties constituting an exception to the res inter alios principle ; they can be justified on a public law basis whereby a group of States assume quasi-legislative competence to create a regulatory regime for a defined territory in the overall community interest ; or other processes such as recognition , acquiescence , estoppel , historic title , or the formation of customary international law can produce an erga omnes effect on treaties intended to have that effect .
22 The boughs grow out from the trunk at nearly the same angle throughout the life of the tree and the sapling can be regarded as a geometrical model of the fully grown tree .
23 Though the Earth and the Moon can be regarded as a double planet system this is not an association of twins .
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