Example sentences of "would probably have [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Botswana is just one country whose only daily paper is owned and run by the government , without whose assistance it would probably have no national paper at all .
2 Mitch would probably have a fainting fit .
3 Were one to create a mouse the size of a moose , that mouse would probably have a folded neocortex if its cortex had increased in proportion to the increase in its body size .
4 ‘ In another location I would probably have a full dining room every night , but that is only a part of what is important to me .
5 That statement was not , in my view , ever intended to acknowledge the existence of any wider discretion than to exclude ( 1 ) admissible evidence which would probably have a prejudicial influence upon the minds of the jury that would be out of proportion to its true evidential value ; and ( 2 ) evidence tantamount to a self-incriminatory admission which was obtained from the defendant , after the offence had been committed , by means which would justify a judge in excluding an actual confession which had the like self-incriminating effect .
6 ‘ Then we would probably have a mandatory defence , which we would not duck , and then come back for a third defence against Bruno . ’
7 We talked about Niki in Austria and from that conversation I realized that the two drivers were reverse medals of each other and that if you could combine the two , you would probably have the perfect driver .
8 If a person bought a ticket for the cinema then he would probably have an irrevocable licence for the period of the film ( Hurst v Picture Theatres Ltd [ 1915 ] 1 KB 1 ) .
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